Opus Dei

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I was approached by someone that is in Opus Dei. What is this group about? Searching the internet, some sources claim it is a Catholic cult. Can anyone help me? :confused:
Hi 👋

Opus Dei is NOT a cult. Its a group dedicated to helping people find holiness in their work and everyday life. Opus Dei is also VERY loyal to the holy father and the magisterium which is probably why its so viciously attacked by people who don’t understand what they’re about. They also don’t advertise much so people get the idea its some sort of secret society.

If you want to find out more about them, you should get your info from the horse’s mouth…www.opusdei.org

There is also a great episode of The Journey Home with a priest named Fr Eric Nicoli (Canadian convert) who is a priest in Opus Dei and he clears up many misconceptions about Opus Dei in the course of the episode.
Opus Dei seems to have practices that ought to arouse suspicion, even if the underlying motives are good. The whole “mortification” thing creeps me out, and there does seem to be some elements of “groupthink”, maybe not true cult behavior but close to it. There wouldn’t be a website like odan.org if everything was completely above reproach.

I’m not sure I understand the concept of “personal prelature”, which means that OD members owe just as much loyalty to OD as to their local bishop. What’s the need?
Opus Dei seems to have practices that ought to arouse suspicion, even if the underlying motives are good. The whole “mortification” thing creeps me out, and there does seem to be some elements of “groupthink”, maybe not true cult behavior but close to it. There wouldn’t be a website like odan.org if everything was completely above reproach.

I’m not sure I understand the concept of “personal prelature”, which means that OD members owe just as much loyalty to OD as to their local bishop. What’s the need?
Now now, Melman careful not to inject your personal fictional opinion here on Opus Dei. After all, it is the ONLY movement in the Church that is A PERSONAL PRELATURE OF THE POPE. Note, maybe you should visit an Opus Dei Mass, and house before you just repeat hearsay from others.
You wrote: The whole “mortification” thing creeps me out. Why?

Mortification is about denying ourselves in little things for love of Christ e.g. not eating that extra piece of chocolate or getting up as soon as we wake up so that when something big comes along e.g. a temptation against holy purity we will be strong enough to resist it. It’s about being in control of yourself.

I wonder why this ‘creeps you out?’

Every day in the US and Australia millions of people mortify themselves daily for secular reasons. They jog for miles, lift weights, do aerobics, play football or basketball, deny themselves food all so that they can make their bodies healthy. Jockeys fast and ‘sweat’ in saunas in order to loose weight so that they can ride a particular horse. Female olympic gymnasts fast to such an extent that some of them do not menstrate. These are socially acceptable mortifications. Do they ‘creep you out?’

Millions of people keep food diaries and mark those foods they should resist. Some people examine their consciences and decide that some actions have the potential to rupture their friendship with God and so determine to resist them. Opus Dei encourages examination of conscience.

Millions of people read books and magazine articles on the latest diet fad so that they can make their bodies the shape fashion dictates. Some people read books and magazine articles about scriptures and the truths of the Faith so that their souls can be what God desires. Opus Dei encourages spiritual reading.

Try this website, it answered many of my questions re Opus Dei.

The thing to remember is that the way of Opus Dei is just one acceptable lifestyle and that that are many others.

Not every acceptable lifestyle suit all people, but there should be one that suits you. Search for it and you may find it.

But try to understand from the perspective of those who live an acceptable lifestyle why they do what they do before applying your personal judgement to it. Many times we make an assumption about something and find out in the end to be totally off the mark.

God bless.
The thing to remember is that the way of Opus Dei is just one acceptable lifestyle and that that are many others.
That’s very true. But the OP said he was “approached” by an Opus Dei’er, and when you start looking around for info, you do find cautionary things online such as the OP (and I) have found… I think the average person is going to ask some questions, looking for clarification. For example the site I mentioned has a page “questionable practices”. This are not my “personal fictional opinion” (sigh), I don’t know enough about it one way or the other. But the information is out there for all to see. If I were approached, I’d want answers.

Thank you to all who participated in the discussion. This thread is now closed.
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