Opus Sanctum Angelorum

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Anyone here belong to Opus Sanctum Angelorum?

I’ve been browsing the website and many of the principles are things I value already (not that I’m that good at following them yet laughs).

I’m going to be joining the T.O. Carmelites as an aspirant soon and I am wondering if one can be a T.O.C. and belong to something like Opus Sanctum Angelorum.

The two seem to share similar values. On top of Carmelite responsibilities are there requirements for daily prayers in Opus Sanctus Angelorum?

I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew, but I happen to be attracted to both at this time.

Insights anyone?

I’m going to be joining the T.O. Carmelites as an aspirant soon and I am wondering if one can be a T.O.C. and belong to something like Opus Sanctum Angelorum.
I’m not familiar with Opus Sanctum Angelorum but my gut tells me your Carmelite community would want you to be committed to Carmel if you choose to become an aspirant . . . both in terms of time and spiritual direction. I’d ask your formation director to be sure.

Best of luck to you in your discernment 👍

I won’t have time to browse the website but if this is a covenanted group you might experience conflict in terms of your time and commitment for community meetings and formation to the TOC.The general rule to take is if you are joining the TOC priority should be given to the TOC.

But you know we have TOC members in the Philippines who are also affiliated with lay movements such as the Focolare, Charismatic Renewal, Neo Catechumenate, Couples for Christ, etc but who knows where their priority lies. And for as long as they are able to comply with their commitment to the Order, I don’t see any problem with that…

God bless,
A wonderful order my sister is a nun in this order. Very holy but I found Regnum Christi was for me. All third orders have rules that are not always easy to follow. But RC worked with me and all my faults.
Definitely first obligation is to T.O.C. and would likely finish that first to make sure I put in the time necessary.

It seems as if the *“Four Bearings” *and "Six Traits" required in Opus Sanctum Angelorum do not conflict with Carmel in any way that I can see. If these are not live links they can be found on the site above. I’m almost thinking it can enhance my Carmelite ways because this too is contemplative - it all depends on what daily or weekly requirements they have.

Adoration** | Contemplation | Expiation | **Mission

Silence** | Listening | Obedience | Poverty | Purity | **Fidelity

These things appeal to me and even as a Carmelite I would aspire to them. I also have a desire to pray for the priests and have requested one through their “Spiritual Adoption”. It is a year long committment.
Definitely first obligation is to T.O.C. and would likely finish that first to make sure I put in the time necessary.

It seems as if the "Four Bearings" and "Six Traits" required in Opus Sanctum Angelorum do not conflict with Carmel in any way that I can see. If these are not live links they can be found on the site above. I’m almost thinking it can enhance my Carmelite ways because this too is contemplative - it all depends on what daily or weekly requirements they have.

Adoration** | Contemplation | Expiation | **Mission

Silence** | Listening | Obedience | Poverty | Purity | **Fidelity

These things appeal to me and even as a Carmelite I would aspire to them. I also have a desire to pray for the priests and have requested one through their “Spiritual Adoption”. It is a year long committment.
Glad to hear that. I also adopt a priest since the order prays for so many of our priests as well.
On behalf of my sister I am working on the same type of adoption program for the nuns and the consecrated. Perhaps you would be interested in adopting one of the good sisters from the order.
Glad to hear that. I also adopt a priest since the order prays for so many of our priests as well…
Hey, maybe it was you that sent me to her laughs. I was trying to remember and had deleted all my PM’s.

I have one coming 😃

There is nothing posted on the site about what is expected in terms of daily or weekly requirements out of members. The Four Bearings and Six Traits are well documented, in detail, but there isn’t a roadmap that tells a lay person what is expected. For example, the T.O. Carmelites and T.O. Franciscans each require 30 minutes of prayer daily, if I have my facts straight. The T.O.C. has a requirement for Little Offfice of the BVM or Divine Office and a strong recommendation for daily mass, among others.

This is the kind of info I was looking for on the Opus Sanctum Angelorum. I’m wondering if the requirements are the same for the most part, adding the Four Bearings and Six Traits to work on.
On behalf of my sister I am working on the same type of adoption program for the nuns and the consecrated. Perhaps you would be interested in adopting one of the good sisters from the order
I suppose I could. I was viewing the website and they provide a list of suggestions on how one could pray for their adopted priest.


What I was getting out of the website was that it was aimed at those who have fallen away or are in danger of falling away. Is this true or did I misunderstand?

And, with regards to laity, is it considered an actual order like a T.O. or an apostolate? From what I understand even priests are members of apostolates no?

The spiritual director of the T.O. Carmelites is a diocesan priest who happens to also be a T.O.C. himself.
Hey, maybe it was you that sent me to her laughs. I was trying to remember and had deleted all my PM’s.

I have one coming 😃
There is nothing posted on the site about what is expected in terms of daily or weekly requirements out of members. The Four Bearings and Six Traits are well documented, in detail, but there isn’t a roadmap that tells a lay person what is expected. For example, the T.O. Carmelites and T.O. Franciscans each require 30 minutes of prayer daily, if I have my facts straight. The T.O.C. has a requirement for Little Offfice of the BVM or Divine Office and a strong recommendation for daily mass, among others.

This is the kind of info I was looking for on the Opus Sanctum Angelorum. I’m wondering if the requirements are the same for the most part, adding the Four Bearings and Six Traits to work on.?.
As I stated a beautiful order but when my sister went away to the convent I was away from the church.
Years later I went to Portugal and saw the beauty of the order and wonderful holy priests.
But I realized in returning what a sinner I really was. I did not feel like I was ready for an order with so many holy people. The Legion took me as I am a sinner that has to go to confession a lot and learn daily to carry my cross. I am sure in her order that they work the same way. But I was called to help the Legion. My sister who works with them has a son that went to Poland to become a priest. So I am sure God calls us all to where we need to be.
I suppose I could. I was viewing the website and they provide a list of suggestions on how one could pray for their adopted priest.

Or if all else fails you can email Sister Maria Gemma at this email address.
What I was getting out of the website was that it was aimed at those who have fallen away or are in danger of falling away. Is this true or did I misunderstand?.
I was asked for a list of seminarians and always send requests of priests that I know personally. Prayer helps both those who are in danger as well as strengthening those in their vocations who have to deal in our world every day.
And, with regards to laity, is it considered an actual order like a T.O. or an apostolate? From what I understand even priests are members of apostolates no? ?.
I believe they are still working on the laity and there involvement. I help where I can (like helping them to sell the beautiful crucifixes, donations, etc… One of my other sisters does all there mailings. The prayer is mailed to you with the name of a priest to pray for the entire year. From what I have seen they have more apostalates than rules for a third degree order. But as I stated I am unsure on rules. I know that I made my promise to the guardian angel. The priests give retreats and beautiful talks.
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