Politically correct… well, they never use words that would harm someone’s feelings, eventhough it is sometimes necessary to induce change and return to God. for instance, young unmarried couples living together - you will never hear them say that’s wrong.
they never talk about contraception, homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, the devil, divorce - I think it is because they are trying to make people stay in the church, even if they do not strictly follow the Church’s rules.
the way they live, never in the habit, wearing fancy clothes and driving expencive cars, doesn’t give them much time for spiritual growth. and that is what anyone can realize when they hear them
speak during the homily.
they are very concentrated in reading, writing, studying, becoming ph.d…which is okay, but it gives them no time to serve their parishoners.
just to give an examle, my parish has four priests and one visiting since another dominican monastery is a few kilometers away. the parish has about 5 thousand people.
and the only time you can confess is the first friday of the month from 6:30pm to 7:00pm. one priest comes and hears confessions.
the good thing is that there are many parishes in the town where you can go and confess, but if everyone depended on our op’s…
the croatian province has about seventy dominicans, and I know at least half of them - they are of course very different people but when they preach it’s more or less the same thing.
interesting thing, in croatia the franciscans are thought of being much more orthodox. you will rarely see a franciscan priest without a habit, or in a fancy car, or tolerating young couples living together before marriage.
p.s. I also must say that I know three young dominicans who will become priests in a few years, and the spiritual strength that they have and share with others, the willingness to give their whole lives to preaching, and live modestly - makes me believe that new and better days are coming for the OP in my country and for the people they serve. i pray for that.