Does anyone have any links to some traditional organ pieces or gregorian chant/polyphony pieces accompanied by organ?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Wow, those tracts are amazing. Except for a basic knowledge of Gregorian ChantI am quite new to such music.Caesar, I’ve not found a comprehensive website which would give you this music. There is a plethora of CDs out there which encompass organ music and polyphony. You need to look at the musical era. My suggestion would be to go to Amazon.com and in the CD section type in “early music”
Listen to cut #2 - Pax in Nomine Domini. Plainsong and portativ organ.
We have well over a thousand years of traditional organ and chant/plainsong.
Go! Explore!
It is really interesting how Liturgical music evolved over the centuries yet retained many elements.Gives you a new appreciation of sacred polyphony doesn’t it?
Unfortunately, most of my absolute favorite CDs are no longer recorded. I have them not only on CD but LP record (and, yes, my turntable still works).
I was fortunate enought to be a member of a cathedral choir where we did get to sing a lot of early music. We even sang a complete medieval Christmas concert with the LSU Collegium Musicum (LSU’s early music group). We processed to Personent Hodie - unfortunately I have not been able to find a cut with medieval instruments rather than organ but this will give you the general idea.
Track 19
Oh, yeah. And there are still composers who are writing decent sacred polyphony - John Rutter for one…instead of the “Muppet Music” of Haugen, Haas,etc.
Keep this image in your head - if you can visualize Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the rest of the Muppets singing it - it’s not sacred polyphony. (Brother Hrolf hereby acknowledges that he is bad)
John Rutter went through a Muppet Music period himself. Think “For the Beauty of the Earth,” or “All Things Bright and Beautiful.” For awhile, everything sounded like a Coke commercial, with what I called “The Dreaded Doodle-Loo Figure” appearing every other measure in the accompaniment.Oh, yeah. And there are still composers who are writing decent sacred polyphony - John Rutter for one…instead of the “Muppet Music” of Haugen, Haas,etc.
Keep this image in your head - if you can visualize Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the rest of the Muppets singing it - it’s not sacred polyphony. (Brother Hrolf hereby acknowledges that he is bad)
Awesome!Caesar, I’ve not found a comprehensive website which would give you this music. There is a plethora of CDs out there which encompass organ music and polyphony. You need to look at the musical era. My suggestion would be to go to Amazon.com and in the CD section type in “early music”
Listen to cut #2 - Pax in Nomine Domini. Plainsong and portativ organ.
We have well over a thousand years of traditional organ and chant/plainsong.
Go! Explore!
You are very lucky to go to a parish that has that kind of appreciation for traditional music.
Oh, yeah. And there are still composers who are writing decent sacred polyphony - John Rutter for one…instead of the “Muppet Music” of Haugen, Haas,etc.
Keep this image in your head - if you can visualize Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the rest of the Muppets singing it - it’s not sacred polyphony. (Brother Hrolf hereby acknowledges that he is bad)
I was not aware of Rutter’s “Muppet period”. I have indeed heard the Cambridge Singers. When I think of Rutter, I think of what we’ve sung - I love “What Sweeter Music”, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” , “Be Thou My Vision”, “Open Thou My Eyes”, “O Be Joyful in the Lord”, and “Cantate Domino”.John Rutter went through a Muppet Music period himself. Think “For the Beauty of the Earth,” or “All Things Bright and Beautiful.” For awhile, everything sounded like a Coke commercial, with what I called “The Dreaded Doodle-Loo Figure” appearing every other measure in the accompaniment.
His early stuff, Christmas carol arrangements (not the original ones like “Shepherd’s Pipe”) were lovely, and the more recent stuff, like the Requiem and “What Sweeter Music” are pretty nice as well.
And through it all, he’s a fantastic choral conductor. Have you heard his Cambridge Singers?
I love Howells as well. The Episopal choir I sing with has done most of his sets of Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis, and they’re all gorgeous. Very lush, as you have found “Like as the Hart.”Rutter follows along after Herbert Howells - another English composer. I absolutely love his “Like as a Hart” which is absolutely sultry in comparison to the English translation of Sicut Cervus.
Yep, we’ve sung his Ubi Caritas often - it’s part of our basic repertoire. We’ve also sung the Tota Pulchra Es of his 4 Gregorian compositions. We looked at the Requiem but ultimately opted for Faure’s. We sing Faure’s Cantique du Jean Racine in FrenchNobody’s mentioned Duruflé yet!What sets Duruflé apart from many 20th century sacred composers is that his music is almost exclusively formed around the Chant, which he considered to be the most sublime music known to man. It’s almost unbelievable that his masterpieces were written in the 60’s. Just goes to show that the Chant is timeless
I love his rendition of “Ubi Caritas”.Nobody’s mentioned Duruflé yet!What sets Duruflé apart from many 20th century sacred composers is that his music is almost exclusively formed around the Chant, which he considered to be the most sublime music known to man. It’s almost unbelievable that his masterpieces were written in the 60’s. Just goes to show that the Chant is timeless
Me, too, and I highly recommend the Requiem. I’ve sung it many times, and it’s my very favorite. The Sanctus is a vision of heaven…I love his rendition of “Ubi Caritas”.