What are leftists groups supporting these protests…???
One of the organizers of these rallies is the Peace No War (PNW) Network, a self-described “collective of antiwar/peace and social and economic justice activists” whose mission is to “struggle for peace and justice across the World” via “community outreach and broad global mobilizing.” PNW pledges its support for “activist communities” whose goal is “to unite inner-city youth and immigrant and antisweatshop activists” in joint ventures, and to draw attention to how America’s prosecution of the Iraq War is allegedly harming immigrant and minority communities all over the United States - by siphoning needed resources away from social welfare programs and into military projects.
PNW is a member group of the National Immigrant Solidarity Network (a pro-amnesty, pro-open borders organization); the ActionLA Coalition; and the United for Peace and Justice anti-war coalition, which is led by Leslie Cagan, a longtime committed socialist who aligns her politics with those of Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba.
Links to all the organizations mentioned in the article are availible at the site.
One of the organizers of these rallies is the Peace No War (PNW) Network, a self-described “collective of antiwar/peace and social and economic justice activists” whose mission is to “struggle for peace and justice across the World” via “community outreach and broad global mobilizing.” PNW pledges its support for “activist communities” whose goal is “to unite inner-city youth and immigrant and antisweatshop activists” in joint ventures, and to draw attention to how America’s prosecution of the Iraq War is allegedly harming immigrant and minority communities all over the United States - by siphoning needed resources away from social welfare programs and into military projects.
PNW is a member group of the National Immigrant Solidarity Network (a pro-amnesty, pro-open borders organization); the ActionLA Coalition; and the United for Peace and Justice anti-war coalition, which is led by Leslie Cagan, a longtime committed socialist who aligns her politics with those of Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba.
Links to all the organizations mentioned in the article are availible at the site.