Origin of the Bible

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A friend tells me that the Catholics were not the original writers of the bible.Is this true? what can you teach me about this topic?
The friend is female and i asked,but got no good answer.She was watching a religious show on TV and has heard it at the nondenominational church she attends.That is why I was trying to get more information on it.
That’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad. What she’s saying is “I don’t know who wrote the Bible but I know it wasn’t Catholics”. Whatever.

You can also check out the book “Where We Got The Bible” by Henry G. Graham. I have it and it’s real good.
Did Catholics write the Bible? The answer is “Yes” and “No.” The books of the Old Testament were written by Jews before the time of Christ; the books of the New Testament were written by the first believers in Jesus Christ, by the Apostles and apostolic men. However, to call the authors of the New Testament books (the Apostles and apostolic men), “Catholics,” would be an anachronism. The first appearance in extant writings of this designation for believers seems to be in Anatolius of Alexandria’s *Paschal Canon, *written about A.D. 270, where its use is unexceptional, indicating that it was a common designation for believers by the time. This is not surprising since even the first believers were not called “Christians” until a year or two after the Church had been established in Jerusalem and had spread to Antioch (Acts 11:26).

The early believers, though not called such, were “Catholics” in their beliefs and practices. In support of this, Catholics can point to the extant writings of early Christians, such as Ignatius of Antioch. Writing about A.D. 107, or about 10 years after the death of the Apostle John, Ignatius of Antioch refers to the Church explicitly as “the Catholic Church.” Also in his letters he describes to the hierarchical structure of the local church: a bishop, presbyters (priests) and deacons, and the laity. He says that a Eucharist should be considered proper or valid only when celebrated by the bishop or by someone he designates and that the Eucharist is the flesh of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the help!
Todd your answer makes sense.There weren’t Catholics before Jesus.
I wrote down the book title by Mr. Graham.
I tried to get to the web site,but it didn’t work.I wrote it down too.Maybe my kids can help Dad find it.
Hello Larry,

A Protestant once told me, “You have to go back to the King James version”. Lots of Laughs!

I onece read an advertizement. The Greek and Hebrew bible on CD, King James Version. Again, Lots of Laughs.

Yes it was the Catholics, whom St. Peter our first Pope, whom three or four hundred years after St. Peter, through the succession of Popes, the Church established which books would go into the bible.

A thousand years plus, Luther (Protestants) decided which books of the bible, the Catholic Church established, would be illiminated and which would stay. Luther almost threw out the book of James, “epistle of straw” he called it, because it did not fit into Protestant teachings. Luther then put the word “alone” into faith “alone”. After Luther modified the bible to his liking, now Protestants call their bible “The word of God”.

I have heard that Luther equates St. Paul’s letters with Jesus’ gospel then Luther avoids Jesus’ gospel in favor of St. Paul because St. Paul fits so much better into Protestant theology (Luther’s strategy that all scripture is equal, given to us by God, with Luther’s, no doubt, exception of the book of James which he thought was trash). Wow! Jesus says he who believes in Me will never die however Protestants avoid what Jesus says in favor of what they believe St. Paul says.

It is kind of funny how the Word of God needs Luther’s (Protestants) editing before it can really be the “Word of God”.
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