Original Sin and the Production of Souls

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I have a question so maybe some of the fellow Catholics can help here.

The Church teaches that all souls are produced out of nothing by God immediately at the moment of conception. Now, my question is how is original sin inherited? God cannot place a sinful soul into our bodies.

Thanks in advance.
I would say that original sin comes with the flesh. The spirit is in battle with the flesh.

I would say that original sin comes with the flesh. The spirit is in battle with the flesh.

Sound a bit like Gnosticism, which teaches that the soul is trapped in the body. But in any case, The Church teaches that: “The rational soul is per se the essential form of the body” (De Fide)

“Body and soul are connected with each other, not merely externally like a vessel and it’s contents, a ship and it’s pilot, but as an instrinstic natural unit, so that the spiitual soul is of itself is essencially the form of the body”
(Fundamnetals of Catholic Dogma, pp.97)

I think this disqualifies the notion that the soul and the body are at war, also remember that we are going to be raised both in soul and body in the last day.

I have a question so maybe some of the fellow Catholics can help here.

The Church teaches that all souls are produced out of nothing by God immediately at the moment of conception. Now, my question is how is original sin inherited? God cannot place a sinful soul into our bodies.

Thanks in advance.
Its kind of like a degredation that comes with the flesh. We are concieved with sinfull flesh. The original sin causes weakness and scrupulosity and attachment to sin.

Original Sin is basically the lack of Original Justice, so it is more like a hole or a lack of something rather than something we inherit.
The flesh is not evil like the gnostics say. It is just empty of Original Justice or Original holyness.

What baptism does is it instills grace in your soul and it kind of gives you a holyness.

The Immaculate Conception of Mary says basically that Mary recieved this grace of baptism at her conception in the womb.

I have a question so maybe some of the fellow Catholics can help here.

The Church teaches that all souls are produced out of nothing by God immediately at the moment of conception. Now, my question is how is original sin inherited? God cannot place a sinful soul into our bodies.

Thanks in advance.
Since the fall, man has lacked the good that God created us with in order to fulfill our end in Him. This lack is what Baptism restores. The good of God lost at the fall is the grace required to fulfill that end. Now Adam and Eve existed in a world of nature that served them and that existence was experienced in their bodies and souls. Fallen man does not enjoy that experience because as the apostle said creation groans in expectation. So, although Baptism restores the original good of God lost by original sin we don’t experience creation and the powers of the natual world interiorly or exterior to us as it was experienced in Original Innocence. The experience of life we recieve is inherited from our first parents and is marred by their Original sin. Man is born in sin because the womb lacks the good God created it in which in turn was born in a world that lacks the good that God created for it.
Rocks, dirt and human flesh are morally ambiguous things – neither good nor evil – at the moment of creation. Genesis creation account #1 has God saying, “And God saw that it was good” at creation, because at the moment of creation THEY ARE NON-EVIL EXPRESSIONS OF GOD’S WILL.

The human will attached to human flesh generates a problem, however…

Were it not for the grace of the cross, which flows forwards and backwards in time, humans would be disgusting, evil animals.

If, upon the creation of each of us, grace were not added to the mix, beginning the first moment AFTER creation all we would be is a human will with the needs of the flesh tugging on the will…“feed me! clothe me! give, give, give, give, give to me! give me sex! give me warmth! give me food! don’t bother me! don’t ask me to do anything! hey-y-y-y, ain’t SHE good-lookin’!” Bombarded with nothing BUT the demands of the flesh, the human free will will make the bad decision every single time.

So, the Adam and Eve story is a picture of what we would be, if grace were not available.

This made the blood of the cross necessary. So, in a sense, our creation was not completed, procedurally, until the day Christ died. That is why first EVE came out of the side of the Old Testament ADAM, and then the saving blood of Christ, activating the waters of baptism, came out of the side of the New Testament ADAM on the cross.
Original sin: On account of Adam’s sin we enter the world without sanctifying grace and inherent Adam’s punishments.
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