Rocks, dirt and human flesh are morally ambiguous things – neither good nor evil – at the moment of creation. Genesis creation account #1 has God saying, “And God saw that it was good” at creation, because at the moment of creation THEY ARE NON-EVIL EXPRESSIONS OF GOD’S WILL.
The human will attached to human flesh generates a problem, however…
Were it not for the grace of the cross, which flows forwards and backwards in time, humans would be disgusting, evil animals.
If, upon the creation of each of us, grace were not added to the mix, beginning the first moment AFTER creation all we would be is a human will with the needs of the flesh tugging on the will…“feed me! clothe me! give, give, give, give, give to me! give me sex! give me warmth! give me food! don’t bother me! don’t ask me to do anything! hey-y-y-y, ain’t SHE good-lookin’!” Bombarded with nothing BUT the demands of the flesh, the human free will will make the bad decision every single time.
So, the Adam and Eve story is a picture of what we would be, if grace were not available.
This made the blood of the cross necessary. So, in a sense, our creation was not completed, procedurally, until the day Christ died. That is why first EVE came out of the side of the Old Testament ADAM, and then the saving blood of Christ, activating the waters of baptism, came out of the side of the New Testament ADAM on the cross.