My apologies if this question has been posed numerous times here already, but it’s something that’s dogged me for weeks, and I haven’t had the chance to address it directly to a priest. I’ll try to posit it as clearly and concisely as possible.
Original sin was supposedly brought about by the actions of Adam and Eve, and Christ’s presence on Earth was meant as a kind of antidote to this intrinsic condition we’re all born into. But the theory of evolution negates Adam and Eve’s existence, not to mention the entire Garden of Eden. If Adam and Eve never existed, how can original sin exist in the first place for Jesus to “cure?” Does one have to be a Bible literalist, or is there an alternative?
Original sin was supposedly brought about by the actions of Adam and Eve, and Christ’s presence on Earth was meant as a kind of antidote to this intrinsic condition we’re all born into. But the theory of evolution negates Adam and Eve’s existence, not to mention the entire Garden of Eden. If Adam and Eve never existed, how can original sin exist in the first place for Jesus to “cure?” Does one have to be a Bible literalist, or is there an alternative?