From NewAdvent/Original Sin:
4:1-11… “Since angels have in them no matter or bodiliness at all, for they are pure spirit, they are not individuated. This means that each angel is the only one of it’s kind. It means that each angel is a species.”
Angels cannot be stigmatized with original sin because they are all individual species. Men can because they pass on to children in a hereditary fashion.
But what does substantial limitations and/or advantages have to do with free will and the mechanism that invokes it’s use which they are all susceptible to.?
If the species or inheritance is the overriding reason to/not to stigmatize, then any universal court would need to ignore the fact that they are common in the area of persuasion or influence across genus(a spirit kind that found them to have the common trait in the process of decision making) is what occured, and here I’m refering to satan influencing the other angels to sin.
This rule sets a precedence. It allows that species man cannot be responsible for the sin influenced by species demon, therefore Adam is not culpable.
It is evidence that this is the way these cases needed to be handled, by the potentiality to be persuaded to sin and to make a wrong choice. When man is the culprit it seems we have a switch of reasoning.
What could be said for the reason of this special handling.? No one knows. It could have something to do with image and the portrayal of these special servants in a celestial ministry as being above reproach. Scandal would not be welcome here, hence the permanent removal of the remainder’s ability to sin and their beatification.
But we can use this case file for ourselves. Maybe one day when we produce our own aware machines and a few turn hostile we can escape liability for damage by tagging a different model number on each one at production. The prosecution may try to introduce that each can be planted with the same destructive program, but we as robot makers can declare that inadmissible and simply state they are all different from each other.
- … Consequently the privation of this grace, even without any other act, would be a stain, a moral deformity, a turning away from God, aversio a Deo, and this character is not found in any other effect of the fault of Adam. This privation, therefore, is the hereditary stain.
4:1-11… “Since angels have in them no matter or bodiliness at all, for they are pure spirit, they are not individuated. This means that each angel is the only one of it’s kind. It means that each angel is a species.”
Angels cannot be stigmatized with original sin because they are all individual species. Men can because they pass on to children in a hereditary fashion.
But what does substantial limitations and/or advantages have to do with free will and the mechanism that invokes it’s use which they are all susceptible to.?
If the species or inheritance is the overriding reason to/not to stigmatize, then any universal court would need to ignore the fact that they are common in the area of persuasion or influence across genus(a spirit kind that found them to have the common trait in the process of decision making) is what occured, and here I’m refering to satan influencing the other angels to sin.
This rule sets a precedence. It allows that species man cannot be responsible for the sin influenced by species demon, therefore Adam is not culpable.
It is evidence that this is the way these cases needed to be handled, by the potentiality to be persuaded to sin and to make a wrong choice. When man is the culprit it seems we have a switch of reasoning.
What could be said for the reason of this special handling.? No one knows. It could have something to do with image and the portrayal of these special servants in a celestial ministry as being above reproach. Scandal would not be welcome here, hence the permanent removal of the remainder’s ability to sin and their beatification.
But we can use this case file for ourselves. Maybe one day when we produce our own aware machines and a few turn hostile we can escape liability for damage by tagging a different model number on each one at production. The prosecution may try to introduce that each can be planted with the same destructive program, but we as robot makers can declare that inadmissible and simply state they are all different from each other.