The complaint is some very well paid people who make their living acting are being ignored in an awards ceremony due to their race. There aren’t many things I could care less about even if it is true. If you don’t pay attention to these actors and Hollywood as a whole it will just go away.
I realized a long time ago that meta entertainment, to borrow from the NSA vocabulary, was the worst form of entertainment. I want to see entertaining and quality movies, which are rare enough. I don’t care about the industry. There are far better things to devote my attention to.
Not to mention that “the road to the Oscars” is basically actors, producers and directors slapping each others back for making “art.” You have critic circle nominations, SAG noms, GG noms, BFCA noms, BAFTA noms then Oscar noms. Let’s not forget HFA (Hollywood Film Academy) awards, then IFC awards. Then there are awards for the smaller budget movies int he form of Gotham and Spirit. Also add in awards from prestigious film festivals like Sundance, Berlin, Cannes, Venice and Toronto. Awards are practically year round. If you miss a major award nominations (GG, SAG, OSCAR, BAFTA) you have a chance to get 1/5 which is what every film actor wants. If you’re acting since you were 18 and you’re established in your age range, you’re bound to be nominated for one of the five mentioned industry awards. It’s only a matter time, not so much skill or competition.
The media makes the Oscars and all the awards that uphold the “road to the Oscars” far more important that it actually is in a cultural sense. If the NE corridor thinks of itself as sophisticated & cosmopolitan (can the media please ST_U up about the DC blizzard … Seriously), then LA and the entertainment industry is its cousin of narcissism.
Does anyone (actors included) really believe that the Oscar awards are based on merit? It’s a who knows who. Do you really believe THE BEST movie wins? I stopped watching the Oscars after Annie Hall won. Yeah that W.Allen tripe. It’s nonsense. No sense.
With the recent moves to diversify the voting body, nope. I also don’t believe it was based on merit in years pass as well. A lot of the votes go towards performances that have momentum built from film festivals made months in advance (see: Cannes, Venice, Toronto) with the help of the critics. Best Picture, well, let’s face it - all the voters who are allowed to vote for this category haven’t seen all of the films that were nominated. An anonymous BAFTA member even admits it, as well as an AMPAS member saying, “Most votes goes towards whatever actor is getting the most hype, what our friends are voting for and what are family is voting for.”
Remember, Hollywood, at least acting, was never about merit. It’s whoever you have a soft spot for (Hello Twilight stars) and who’s “due” for a nomination. In other words industry nominations are, most of the acting spots, are through card shuffles and whichever/whomever shows up the most in each hand, their chances of a nomination increases.