other forums

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Im just curious, maybee nosey. those of you in catholic answers forums land, do you read and post in other forums whether it be catholic or someing not religion related? my self I post on the michigan buzz board which is talk about michigan radio and tv, my handle there is dxpawloski. there are just so many interesting forums out there , but so little time.
Hi Trevor, can you tell us a little more about this forum? What ages? What topics are discussed? Thanks!
Evanescence set this forum up recently for Catholic Teens. CLICK HERE for her announcement. It’s open to discussion of different aspects of Catholic life, just like CAF. It has forums for general discussion, prayer, culture and life, and questions about the faith. We only have 8 members, so it’s not very active. We’re trying to spread the word. I’m a moderator there, and I use the same username. 👍
I’m on several other forums, but don’t really frequent them nearly as much as this one. I’m on diaperswappers.com, an NFP board, a bridal/marriage board, and a WAHM board, but this is my all-time favorite! 😃
I’ve looked around, but the only other forum I am regular at is


I’m a Moderator there. It’s a martial arts site, but we end up talking about faith ALOT! It’s hard being the only Catholic too, I spend a lot of time defending the faith! But hey-- it’s a good cause, right?
After my regular forum went down I was a regular at ChristianForums. That place is a cesspool. Not bad like some of the really virulent anti-Catholic forums, but just…young and ignorant. Then me and some guys from the first place set up a temporary one until our regular place goes back online. Since that appears like it’s never going to happen, we made it a little more permanent. Here’s the link:


Just click on the link to the forum if you want to come over. The home page explains a bit about why we created it, but simply, it’s me, a couple of other Catholics, an Orthodox, some Baptists, a non-denom or three, and a Mormon. All good “cyber-buds.” We get into it sometimes, but we think of it as a forum for people who don’t like forums.
interesting forums, all of them. Im a bit surprised at the lack of response. I tend to like forums because the intellectual me gets to come out, something that doesnt get to happen at work or really even at home when not online. the more im away from the net especially forums im a part of, the more I get a craving for the intelectual side of life and start despising the physical things like work, tasks at home, etc.
This one covers fitness and all walks of martial arts,one of my past times.


This one is all about hunting & fishing,my other pastime.


But when I do have time to burn I spend most of it here at CA forum.The other two I just kinda drop in and see if theres anything interesting and meaningful,which most of the time its the same old garbage.
Another televisionwithoutpity fan here, and I’m also on a martial arts forum, where I’m a mod.
I love this site!

Skyscraper City

It’s for people who worry about the size of their…


I’m sure you’ll find your city on there. Enjoy!
When I’m not posting here, I can be found on Christian Anime Alliance. They’re very nice to Catholics, but don’t get too heavy on the religion. Political threads are banned on site. We even roleplay and give reviews on anime and manga. It can be found by clicking the link.christiananime.net
I use the same username, with a pic of Calvin as Spaceman Spiff.
I’m also a member of the Anime News Network. Again, I use the same username there. My pic is of Tsukasa of from .hack//sign (an awesome anime, btw). Check them out at animenewsnetwork.com
And even though I don’t post often because their chatroom is quite hostile to Christians in general, I’m also a member of an autism and Asperger’s community called wrongplanet.net
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