49-50.** Our Lord corrects the exclusivist and intolerant attitude of
the Apostles. St Paul later learned this lesson, as we can see from
what he wrote during his imprisonment in Rome: “Some indeed preach
Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will …]. What
then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ
is proclaimed; and in that I rejoice” (Philippians 1:15, 18).
“Rejoice, when you see others working in good apostolic activities.
And ask God to grant them abundant grace and that they may respond to
that grace. Then, you, on your way: convince yourself that it’s the
only way for you” (St J. Escriva, “The Way”, 965).]**The Haydock Commentary on the DRV says:
Ver. 49. We forbade him. St. John having the most love for his Lord, and being particularly beloved by him, thought all were to be excluded from these gifts, who were not obedient to his divine Master. (St. Augustine) — But we must remember, that not the minister is the author of these miracles, but the grace which is in him, who performs these wonders by virtue of the power of Christ. (St. Cyril) — How wonderful is the power of Christ, who by his grace works miracles in the persons of the unworthy, and those that are not disciples; as men are sanctified by the priest, though the priest should not be in the state of grace! (Theophylactus)
Ver. 50. Forbid him not. Our Lord is not moved by this event, to teach us that perfect virtue entertains no thoughts of revenge, and that anger cannot be found where the fulness of charity reigns. The weak must not be driven away, but assisted. Let the breast of the religious man be ever unmoved by passion, and the mind of the generous undisturbed by desires of revenge. (St. Ambrose)