Therese on Love and Suffering
“What a joy to be able to suffer for Him whom we love!”
“Let us be consumed by love! … St. Francis de Sales says, “When the fire of love is in the heart, all the furniture flies out the windows”. Oh! Let us leave nothing … nothing in our heart but Jesus!
Do not believe that you can love without suffering, without suffering a great deal… It is our poor nature that is there! And it is not there for nothing! … This is our wealth, our livelihood! … It is so precious that Jesus came to our earth in order to make it his own. Let us suffer bitterly, without courage! “Jesus suffered with sadness! And without sadness does the soul suffer!?” And we would like to suffer generously, nobly!.. Celine! What an illusion! that would be!” (LT 89, 26. April, 1889)
“Dear Celine, sweet echo of my soul! … If you knew my misery! … Oh! … If you knew… Holiness does not consist in saying beautiful things, it does not even consist in thinking them, in feeling them! … It consists in suffering and in suffering everything. «Holiness! It has to be conquered at the point of the sword, one has to suffer… one has to agonize!.. »” (LT 89, OC 390)
“If you wish to feel and to have an attraction for suffering, you are in search of your own consolation, for when we love anything, pain disappears.”
“My joy is to love suffering, / I smile shedding tears/ I accept with gratitude/ The thorns mixed with the flowers.” (PN 45, stanza 2, OC 733)
“Just think that if the good Lord gave us the entire universe, with all its treasures, it could not be compared to the lightest of sufferings.” (LT 65, OC 360)
“To suffer and to be despised – what bitterness, but what glory!” (LT 81, OC 380)
“What ineffable joy to carry our cross FEEBLY.” (LT 82, OC 380)
“The grain of sand wants to start working, without
joy , without
courage , without
force , and it is all these titles which will facilitate its enterprise: it wants to work by Love.” (LT 82, OC 381)
“Take heart, Jesus hears even the last echo of our pain.” (LT 85, OC 384)
Let us see life in the true light… It is a moment between two eternities… Let us suffer in peace… […] In order to suffer in peace it is enough to really want everything that Jesus wants…" (LT 87, OC 386)