Our Church Runs 26% of Healthcare Institutions Worldwide

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The Catholic Church, in its position as the Church of Christ and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, provides over 1/4 of the world’s healthcare. The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers said in 2010 that the Church manages 26% of the world’s healthcare.

Many Protestant prosperity preachers, such as Kenneth Copeland, who is worth $760 million USD, say they invest 20-30 million in the poor.

Our Church invests any money it can in the poor, and in the spirit of the Good Samaritan, it cares for the most vulnerable and marginalised people is society.

Just another fact that makes me proud to be Catholic.

God Bless.
Here, we have excellent free public healthcare and so apart from doctors clinics and some very expensive private hospitals (all secular with maybe a couple of exceptions), we do not have religious healthcare in NZ.

However, Catholic charities play a HUGE role in helping the poor with regards to housing and clothing, as well a Middle Eastern refugees of all faiths. Without free Catholic services I think the situation would be very hard here.
I often wish we had Catholic healthcare here, I suppose it is different in the US. Forgive me if I am wrong, but am I correct in saying you do not have many public healthcare institutions? In the UK, and countries that were founded by it (NZ, Australia), it is usually a given that we have public healthcare.

I think it is great that the Church plays such a role in American healthcare. I only wish that we could have such hospitals here!
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