Our Lady of La Salette

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If I understand correctly, this is an approved apparition of Our Lady.

I’ve wondered about the full message, which I located here:

If someone would have presented this to me without telling me that it came from an approved vision of Mary, I would have rolled my eyes and thought that it deserved a spot in the National Enquirer. If you read the text above, the first half looks pretty accurate, which is all the more worrisome! I have highlighted here the parts that raised questions in my mind:
In the year 1865, the abomination will be seen in the holy places; in the convents the flowers of the Church will putrefy, and the devil will establish himself as king of all hearts. Let those who are at the head of religious communities be on their guard concerning the persons they are to receive, because the devil will use all his malice to introduce into religious orders persons given to sin, for disorders and love of carnal pleasures will be widespread over the whole earth.
Did anything happen in 1865 to make this appear to be manifest?
Paris will be burned and Marseilles swallowed up; a number of large cities will be shattered and swallowed by earthquakes; all will seem lost; only murders will be seen, the clash of arms and blasphemies heard. The righteous will suffer greatly; their prayers, their penances and their tears will rise to heaven and all God’s people will ask pardon and mercy and will ask my help and intercession. Then Jesus Christ, by an act of His justice and His great mercy toward the righteous, will command His angels to put all His enemies to death. At one blow the persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ and all men given to sin will perish, and the earth will become like a desert.
This peace among men will not last long: 25 years of abundant harvests will make them forget that the sins of men are the cause of all the woes which happen on earth
We’re as dumb as Israel.
It will be at this time that the Antichrist will be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin who will be in communication with the ancient serpent, master of impurity; his father will be a bishop (Ev.).
Um, OK. It gets weirder…
"At birth he will vomit blasphemies, he will have teeth; in a word, this will be the devil incarnate; he will utter terrifying cries, he will work wonders, he will live only on impurities. He will have brothers who, although not incarnate devils like himself, will be children of evil; at the age of twelve, they will be noted for the valiant victories they will win; soon they will each be at the head of armies, assisted by legions from hell.
Huh. Anyone else find this a little freaky?

There’s more.

My question is, why has this hardly received any attention? I hear about the warnings of Fatima all the time, but these messages are pretty hard-hitting.
gomer tree:
If I understand correctly, this is an approved apparition of Our Lady…
I don’t believe this is an accurate statement. From my understanding there have been four approved apparitions of Our Lady:

(1) Our Lady of Guadaloupe
(2) Our Lady of Lourdes
(3) Our Lady of Fatima
(4) The Holy Family at Knock, Ireland

I haven’t read the rest of your post just yet, but I just wanted to let you know my understanding of the approved apparitions as I understand them.🙂
According to this site, which I took from another thread:


The apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette has full Church approval. Now, I have no particular knowledge of the site’s accuracy, but it seems consistent with other thing’s I’ve seen/heard.
It has full Church approval. It also happens to be quite false imho.
This site: crc-internet.org/salette2.htm

gives a history of Our Lady of La Salette, and it appears to have been approved in 1854.


Both this site and a few others I glanced over seem to indicate that the actual secrets given to the Pope were never released. The version I have linked to appears to be an 1879 version written by the seer who, at this later time, had elaborated on many of the messages. Some chalk it up to delusion, some to bitterness. But it appears that the messages here are not completely consistent with the original messages passed on in 1851.

So, I think my eyebrows were raised for good reason. The apparition itself is approved, and the messages received by the Pope in 1851 were approved. However, this version of the text is NOT the 1851 version.

Since we do not know exactly what the differences are between the two, it probably follows that I shouldn’t necessarily put a lot of credence in a Hebrew nun giving birth to a tooth-filled antichrist screaming blasphemies at birth.

It’s a shame that there is such confusion over a gift from God like an apparition of Our Lady.
gomer tree:
…I think my eyebrows were raised for good reason. The apparition itself is approved, and the messages received by the Pope in 1851 were approved. However, this version of the text is NOT the 1851 version…
I came across this site which seems to confirm what you are saying here:

Fr John Loughnan:
.CLARIFICATION: To circumvent any misunderstanding - I wish to advise that I concur with the Bishop of Grenoble’s decision regarding the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at La Salette in 1846, that the apparition is “worthy of belief.” The intent of these articles is to demonstrate that a) the “message” and/or “secret” of La Salette does NOT form an integral part of the Bishop’s (and Church’s) approval, and b) that the “message” and/or “secret” (which has the BVM say that “Rome will lose the Faith…etc.”) is an 1879 corruption of the recorded 1851 “message”, and c) that the corrupted 1879 “message” and/or “secret” has been condemned by the Church - culminating with being placed on the Index of Forbidden Books - the Imprimatur in 1879 of the Bishop of Lecce notwithstanding!
I went to the American shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in New Hampshire. The original apparition was approved by the Bishop. The two children who witnessed the event were Melanie and Maximum. Both children had very unhappy childhoods and lived in poverty. And today we would probably say the families were dysfunctional. Maximum was also hyperactive.

Melanie loved the attention that she got from pilgrims. And later started telling these fantastic stories about the secrets of La Salette. The original poster must have picked up on one of these stories.

The original message was more along the lines of Mary asking us to change (working on Sunday and using the name of the Lord in vain.) If not a potato famine was to occur. Which did occur shortly after.

But it doesn’t matter what Melanie said afterwards. The true message of the apparition was authentic and approved by Rome.
La Salette has not been approved by Rome. Rome has the authority to overturn the local bishop’s decision. Although it has never happened that Rome overturned a local bishop’s condemnation, there have been several cases Rome overturning the local bishop’s approval. We cannot say only part of the apparition is condemned. All apparitions and prophecies coming from God must contain 100% absolute truth, or they do not originate with God.
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