Our office Christmas party

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I am coordinating our office Christmas party and told my boss I could bring in a tree, she said no because it really should be called a Holiday party, not everyone is Christian. (We work at a Catholic organization). I gently stated our President entitles his yearly party a Christmas party and we have a big tree outside. Then said very respectfully that “This is a Catholic organization”. I feel a little weird because she didn’t really say anything, except shrug and nod.
I guess I just wondered about your thoughts here, I Felt very calm when I spoke when normally I am nervous and this is the first time I’ve defended the faith or had a conversation like this. I don’t even know if I “defended the faith” it just felt like it and it felt nice.
Thank you for your thoughts
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Christmas trees are a cultural thing. They started in Germany and spread throughout Europe.

Do African Catholics do Christmas trees?

I mean they’re fun and pretty and all, but not an essential part of Christmas.
thank so much for responding and providing that great point… What do you think of the rest of the conversation i had, she just shrugged.
It’s really hard to say.
Some people are anxious about being labeled a bigot or a phobe so they bend over backward because they’re worried other “might mind” about our cultural expressions.

I find most people are fairly cool and tolerant of different cultures, but the ones with a bee up there bonnet and strident voices often wind up getting their own way :confused:
You do know as a Catholic , The Christmas Season Starts on Christmas Day

Judging by the number of Christmas trees that are put out to the curb on [December 26], many people believe that the Christmas season ends the day after Christmas Day. They couldn’t be more wrong: Christmas Day is the first day of the traditional Christmas celebration. You’ve heard of the 12 days of Christmas?

It ends 6th January.

The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the oldest Christian feasts, though, throughout the centuries.

So putting a tree up is a personal matter nothing to do with Jesus.
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A few decades ago, I worked for in an office of a large corporation whose name you would recognize. A group of us girls were talking about looking forward to Christmas, and one of the girls was Susan. A couple of the others said, Susan, we don’t know how to break this to you, but you are Jewish.

She said they would put up a tree. Her father says: The bright, colored lights, the beautiful tree, gaily-wrapped gifts under the tree [we were allowed to say “gaily” back then], big family get-together dinner, peace on earth and goodwill toward men—all of these things are too good to be embraced by only one religion. I think everybody should enjoy all of these good things.

I thought her family showed the right attitude. Presumably, they stopped short of singing “Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful.”
I thank everybody for their responses I could tell I was a bit unclear, I wanted to know if what I said was good, if I “did OK” , not that I said anything grand , so to speak because when I sat there and after she said that I stayed quiet I said to myself I’m not going to say anything I felt a little bit blushed inside but then I felt very calm and I said the president has the tree up and then I said the rest of the things and the whole conversation lasted less than a minute but the silence afterwards I felt weird that’s why am wondering about my response sorry for being unclear clear and thank you again so much everybody.
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I fully expect that sort of response in a secular workplace.

but a catholic organization? that’s just an example of trying to fit in to the world.

we shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to celebrate Christmas, even if there are non-Christian employees, they did know, after all, that they are choosing to work in a catholic setting

your anser to her was fine, no issues there
Thanks very much. I doubt myself a lot and I felt in my heart the Lord tell me not to bother posting because I should know in my heart but I did anyway so maybe I’ll try to trust him better next time ? In other words I felt like He was with me but then my mind was saying no you did something wrong you have to ask it’s weird but anyway I thank everybody again I hope you all have a blessed day!!
By “Catholic Organization”, is this a Diocesan office like Catholic Charities or is it a Catholic Goods Store? My answer would depend on the nature of the business.
Are there any other signs that your organization is Catholic? Mentions of Catholic teaching in publicity materials? Crucifixes or Blessed Virgin artwork hanging anywhere? So far as you know, if your supervisor Catholic?

If you walk into a Catholic school, you’re going to see crucifixes hanging in classrooms. Non-Catholics know to expect that. They also know that they don’t have to be Catholic. Ditto Catholic Charities - everybody is served regardless of beliefs, but the Catholic paraphernalia is in full view. In other words, a Catholic identity is just part of the package. It seems unusual that your workplace would be an exception.
Good for you. I would have been thrown off by getting a ‘no’ for a Christmas tree.
“It’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission.“
-Admiral Grace Hopper

Sometimes you just have to do things without telling your boss.
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