A dare is in the mind of the beholder, lol!
I’m not sure that I understand what you mean by your “daily ‘ball of gas’ theory.” Also, you are asking for the titles of a large part of my library. I will give you a short list here, but the two mentioned in my earlier post deal with it on a more scientific basis. The ones following are more from an experiential basis, which I feel is the most productive, because it assumes the necessity of your essential unity with the Source of your questioning, i.e. your own holographic nature.
First, and to me, most basic: the unfortunately and misleadingly titled
Insights for the Age of Aquarius by Gina Cerminara. It is, though incomplete in some respects, by far the most useful handbook for religious sanity I have ever encountered.
Next, websites, as they will be most imediately convenient for you: All of this comes with the following caveat: “The search for reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live.” Of course this refers, in the same way as Armaggedon might, to an inner transformation that leaves the world as it is, but puts one’s understanding of it on a profoundly different footing. I can vouch for the overturning nature of that experience, and would not take it lightly. For most it would be best to stick with the two books already mentioned.
www.merell-wolff.org ~ a remarkable chronical and exegisis of transformation in Conscious Awareness, that being the essence of understanding through the ages of the holographic universe.
www.netinetifilms.com ~ Get the book, the website has been userped by follower, albeit a good intentioned one
www.gangaji.org ~ A wonderful woman in the tradition of Shankara and Ramana Maharshi
www.thework.com ~ Currently doing work with the most practical method of self inquiry I’ve found.
www.kgmfoundation.org ~ My own Mentor’s site, last only because he appeals to few due to the very lyrical and musically structured nature of his lectures. My comment? As wonderful as they were, you had to be there. But there are a couple of short clips worth watching, at the very least.
Pathways Through to Space & *The Philosophy of Consciousness Without and Object *both by F. Merrell-Wolff ~ Again, a remarkble chronicle and exegisis.
I AM THAT by Nisaragadatta
A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie ~ This is a commentary on the I-Ching and is a remarkable uplifting insight of how someone who is consciously living as the understanding of the holographic universe thinks, or better, uses thought.
Anything by Kenneth G. Mills
*The Pagan Christ *& *Water into Wine *both by Tom Harpur ~ Dealing with the historization and literalization of the holographic understanding into christianist teachings, written with a view to the revitalization of a Christianity in the death grip of literalism.
All of the books by Carlos Castaneda that chronicle his experiences with Don Juan Matus. But first understand the others. Teachers, even Jesus, have usually given this explication through local cultural symbols to protect the innocent. E.g. parables, or what the system that has developed into the Pachamama alliance uses: the eagle and the condor as two phases of knowledge and experience. Most people on here, by that system’s catagorization, are strictly eagle minded, or materialistic in the sense of spiritual materialism, or dogmatism. Anyway, I’m starting a book here in a sub-catagory, lol!, so I will stop now. I will say only that I feel that the teachings of Jesus, due to a number of factors, have been very unfortunatley misrepresented and systematized by folks of a different understanding than His, and the consequences of that have been dire, to say the least.