But…what does any of this have to do with “secular behavior” mentioned in the subject line?
Who in the church is expressing “secular behavior”?
It is secular behavior (behavior that is “of the world”) to try to use force to change the direction and mission of the Church - such force being speaking out against the Pope’s direction in the public arena to sway public fears in the Church, hoping for a popular opinion outcry against the leadership. This is like Peter telling Jesus he cannot go to Jerusalem (to face crucifixion).
Examples: EWTN “the World Over”, Arroyo seeking to lure Cardinal Wuerl into speaking insurgently against the proceedings of the Synod on the Family upon its completion, repeatedly seeking to monger fear in the living rooms of conservative Catholics so that they would mount up and demand that Francis obey them rather than they obey Francis. The Cardinal successfully resisted.
Another; the leaking of Synod papers during the first installment of the Synod, again to sway public pressure so that Francis (Jesus’ rep.) would move as the public wanted rather than moving on his mission (our mission).
Priests and Religious take vows of obedience - they will follow “behind” rather than stand in front of their superiors telling them how to lead and where to go.
And we also, when baptized and confirmed, made an identical pledge, if not in the ordered form of a vow. In the Church, being in the Church, is a determination that I will trust those over me.
The true reformers in the Church have never tried to rally the masses, the mobs, to bring pressure on the leadership, They have instead gone directly and discreetly to the superiors with their issues, not demanding change, but asking, “how can this issue be happening in light of the truth we all know?” and presenting the reasoning.
Paul did this with Peter in reference to requirements on Gentile converts to the Catholic Church. He did not broadcast Peter’s inconsistencies to the masses of Gentiles to provoke rebellion and pressure on Peter and the other Apostles in Jerusalem. Luther, on the other hand broadcast the Papal inconsistencies to the masses in Germany and did create such a reaction, ending with great masses of people still suffering from separation from the Church in their continued existence in protest.
In all this excitement of the public opinion of Church members, the sound of Francis calling to mercy, charity, working to lift up the poor, this call of Francis is muffled and undone - we are too busy being excited by the fear mongers.