My best friend (non denominational) wants an outdoor wedding next year. Her fiancé is a non practicing Catholic. They have lived together for 1 year. I have spoken with a local priest as well as called in to EWTN open line about the situation and both have recommended that I talk with the both of them about the groom’s obligation to marry in the church and that this may be a perfect way to invite him back to the faith and give them a firm foundation to start their marriage. However, I have never spoken with my best friend about faith at all and I do not have a close relationship with the groom. I had dinner with them last night and tested the waters by bring up the subject (talking about my experience getting married in the church) but both of them got very uncomfortable so I abandoned ship. I want to approach this in a way that says how much I love them and at the same time communicates to them not only the groom’s obligation but the opportunity to start their life together with a sacramental foundation. I thought maybe writing a letter could be the way to go because it would allow them time to think and respond to the message as well as gives me time to develop what I’d like to say. Should I go back to trying a conversation again? What is the best way to do this?