Over 100 grandchildren

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I just wanted to share this with everyone since our society does not think highly of large families.

My wife’s grandparents currently have over 100 grandchildren, I think it is close to 105. (they had 14 children)

Currently they also have over 30 great grandchildren!

We just found out that my BIL and his wife are pregnant, with thier baby and my our baby, that will make 14 grandchildren for my MIL who is in her early 50s

(sorry I am terrible with exact numbers)

If I get exact numbers I will pass them along.
Wow, that’s really amazing. They are truly blessed. I thought my grandparents had a lot with 17!
I have 6 brothers and 4 sisters.
22 nieces and nephews, and some of them have kids of their own.
That’s awesome. I’d love to see an increase in family sizes, too. This year, between my sister and brother and I, we will get my parents’ grandchildren number up to 11. Just a splash in the ocean compared to your wife’s grandparents, though.
at DDs wedding we had over 300 guests, family alone, up to aunts, uncles and cousins of the bride and groom alone. Together that was over 30 aunts and uncles, I have no idea how many cousins but they ripped through the buffet pretty thoroughly. About half those people live in the same metro area, so any family gathering, birthdays, communions etc. have to be in a hired hall, and they have a family gathering at least once a month. They have learned to consolidate: one first communion celebration on each side of town, one birthday bash a month etc. DD has been married 14 years and still doesn’t know the names and relationships of many of her in-laws.

We are working on grandchild #9 (well we aren’t, DD#2 is) so far we have beat out Other Grandparents since our kids are a bit older, but it is a race. Ohio in-laws have 7, NC in-laws have 8, but have 2 pending.
A couple I know had their 50th grandchild the same year they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! —KCT
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