Ok this is a big topic for me. I feel that the world is way to over scrupulous. You do one thing and your finished unless you go to confession. I will ask a question! Does God really care about the things that we think he does? I mean i hear it all the time people getting looked down upon for every thing. The bottom line is that the world well we all judge way to harshly. A black man walks down the road with loose pants and a bandana and he is a ganster. A wite boy with too many piercing and tatoos is a punk. I mean where do we get all of the lables from. Is this day and age really different from the rest or is it just more judgemental that the rest. You know i feel i am going to heaven you know why, because i am not judging, i am not doing anything to hurt other people. I am sorry for my sins in my heart i know. I love God and i would do good for others if they needed it so i know i am a good person to God and socially. Please i would like some feedback from people with knowledge so that if i am just too non caring that they may show me the way. If i am right thank you God if i am wrong someone help me!