Overcoming vanity

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Recently, I had heard about the story of a preist whom had sat before the judgement seat of God and whom had been sentenced to Hell. The reason why he hadn’t been sent is because our Blessed Mother had interceeded for him. He had said the main reason he was to be condemned was because he, in Christ’s own words, had been a preist for himself instead of Jesus.

Put into context of an interview with Mother Angelica, what Ive been able to gather is that he had succumbed to vanity and lacked prayer. Vanity is something I struggle with, because while I’m not afraid to call myself a follower of Christ, I feel a bit hypocritical in saying that, mainly because of my sharing of the word. I know we are called upon to share the word with love, but also with truth, and while don’t have a problem letting those closest to me know of sin and warning them of it, I’m always hesitant to bring it up to those I talk to outside. I dont feel shame for Christ’s teaching, but rather a fear of driving people away from him. Jesus told us we would be persecuted for his sake, and while I can quit a job for His sake, I have a hard time pointing out sin to those im not close to because I feel they have to know the love before they can embrace the discipline.

I worry Jesus is ashamed of me because I can’t openly point out sin in great matters (other than usually saying “no need” when someone cusses or takes the Lord’s name in vain, as well as some other small cases). Even as I left my last job, I felt that God had worked through me and spread His love to them through me, but never the discipline, so while they may look upon God in a better light, they don’t know His justice for sin. Basically nobody on the staff disliked me for sharing God with them, and while they may see Him in a better light, I feel I didn’t fulfill my duty and succumbed to vanity by failing to admonish the sinner. Granted, I live in an area with a fairly high Catholic population of roughly 30% estimated density, but should I not be hated more if I were spreading the fullness of the word?
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So the way is to live a sinless life and give witness to your faith, but also, per the Catechism, not be complicit in sin by:
1868 Sin is a personal act. Moreover, we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them:
- by participating directly and voluntarily in them;
- by ordering, advising, praising, or approving them;
- by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so;
- by protecting evil-doers.
but should I not be hated more if I were spreading the fullness of the word?
It is quite possible to “spread the fullness of the word” without making yourself obnoxious and without going around “admonishing” people who aren’t close to you or under your care. Especially at work, where people are there to work, not have others lecturing them about morals unless it relates to something happening at work in front of you (for example a workmate is bullying another workmate or is stealing from the till).

You should mostly be witnessing through your own behavior, being a example to others of how to behave with Christian charity. Not by pointing out all the others’ faults until they hate you.
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Put into context of an interview with Mother Angelica, what Ive been able to gather is that he had succumbed to vanity and lacked prayer.
I saw this interview too, and he also mentioned more serious sins like skipping saying mass, and sinful ways of escapism etc.

I struggle with the idea of “admonishing the sinner” too, because ultimately it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict ppl of their sin. It’s a tricky business, and it has to be tempered with prudence and prayer. How to do it exactly, someone smarter than I am can probably advise you better.
By this will all men know you are my disciples, that you love one another.

Let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Yes we have to be mindful of why we pray, where we pray and the consolations.

Some folks need to see prayers. There are people here with serious illness or problems and need to know they are being prayed for.That’s fine.
But if we are praying for other reasons it’s a problem. Same with works. Do everything for God and not yourself
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