I was cleaning my house and I came across an old box I was gifted many years ago. My cousin gave it to me and it contained a rosary. The box had some simple carvings on it. The top had a Star of David with a circle around it and what appeared to be a clover in the center. I remember having hesitation about owning it with the star and the circle, but I thought I remember my cousin saying that was Irish or something.(??) And given that it was the Star of David I didn’t think much of it. Anyway fast forward to today and my husband saw it and researched the image and it might have been a symbol called “The Seal of Solomon” which is demonic! Eeek!! In the trash it went! I abhor the occult and want absolutely nothing to do with it!! I am a fervent Catholic and never want anything evil even remotely close to me! My question, have I sinned by having this for all these years? The only thing I’ve done with this box is hold a rosary in it!