Owning a demonic symbol?

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I was cleaning my house and I came across an old box I was gifted many years ago. My cousin gave it to me and it contained a rosary. The box had some simple carvings on it. The top had a Star of David with a circle around it and what appeared to be a clover in the center. I remember having hesitation about owning it with the star and the circle, but I thought I remember my cousin saying that was Irish or something.(??) And given that it was the Star of David I didn’t think much of it. Anyway fast forward to today and my husband saw it and researched the image and it might have been a symbol called “The Seal of Solomon” which is demonic! Eeek!! In the trash it went! I abhor the occult and want absolutely nothing to do with it!! I am a fervent Catholic and never want anything evil even remotely close to me! My question, have I sinned by having this for all these years? The only thing I’ve done with this box is hold a rosary in it!
The power of the rosary is greater than the power of the Seal of Solomon.
Given your posting history, it seems that you struggle with scrupulosity. That being the case, you shouldn’t post these questions online. It will only further your scruples. Seek the help of your priest offline.

The “seal of Solomon” and the “star of David” are two names for the same thing, a six-pointed star formed by two interlocking triangles that is now the usual symbol both of the Jewish religion and the state of Israel. The name “Seal of Solomon” is sometimes also used for a five-pointed star or pentacle. There is nothing “demonic” about the six-pointed Star of David. The origin of the symbol is not known for certain, but it is no older than the Middle Ages. One Jewish historian, Ludwig Blau, thought it was the symbol originally used by the Knights Templar, that only later came into Jewish use. And the three-leaf clover or shamrock is, of course, the symbol of the Holy Trinity with which St. Patrick converted the pagans of Ireland.
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