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Everything I read about Padre Pio’s life inspires me and reaffirms my faith in Catholicism.

However, I am disturbed by the quotes that occasional are made on this board and attributed to Padre Pio, which seem to promote hatred of Jews, particularly since he lived during the Holocaust when Jews were being persecuted and sent to concentration camps from Italy. I have never seen the quotes from the accounts I have read of him, do you have any idea where they come from? Are they taken out of context?
Serendipity, Although I have read everything that I can find about Padre Pio I do not know for sure where these “suposed quotes” by him came from.

These quotes about Jews being enemies of the Church have a founding in other than Padre Pio’s sayings or writings( in my OPINION, at least in what I have read) . I vaguely remember some anti-Jewish quotes by Catholics were made in the late eighteen hundreds or at the turn of the century. ALSO some of the early fathers (maybe two of them) wrote that the Jews were enemies of Christians.

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He was known to be blunt when speaking to a person who needed bluntness. Sometimes he sent a person away from the confessional when he knew that person witheld sins. I think he was totally honest.
I would like to read the “exact quote” that he was supposed to have made about Jews.
I read somewhere a long time ago that there were certain conditions to becoming St Padre Pio’s spiritual child. Do you a reference you can point me to. I have searched recently and I can’t seem to find it again.
I have never seen them on any source about him that I have read, but some member of this forum used some sayings supposedly by him in their signature. It was the only time I saw them (here on this forum).

I can’t think of who it was, but the sayings disturbed me, because of the time from which they came; the were not from the Middle Ages, not even prior to WWII and Vatican II, and they made me question how much I was reading that was correct about Padre Pio, about whom until then I never heard anything but inspirational words.
Me and my wife visited the Padre Pio Center. We were really surprised at how spiritual, serene and peaceful the place was.

I always wanted to visit there. We just stumbled upon it one day when we were just wandering around the countryside of PA.

The place has all sorts of biographical information, as well as vestments that he wore, etc.

Here is the Link:
Everything I read about Padre Pio’s life inspires me and reaffirms my faith in Catholicism.

However, I am disturbed by the quotes that occasional are made on this board and attributed to Padre Pio, which seem to promote hatred of Jews, particularly since he lived during the Holocaust when Jews were being persecuted and sent to concentration camps from Italy. I have never seen the quotes from the accounts I have read of him, do you have any idea where they come from? Are they taken out of context?
I recommed Padre Pio: The True Story. It’s a non-biased telling of his whole life. The author actually checked every story out. There’s too many people that make up stories about him and it just snowballs.
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