Hello. I encountered a pagan today who said Christianity is a Jewish death cult from the middle east created to divide the people of Europe. How do I refute him? He is very anti-Jewish.
Just walk the other way. Anti-semitic pagan is almost a cliche.Hello. I encountered a pagan today who said Christianity is a Jewish death cult from the middle east created to divide the people of Europe. How do I refute him? He is very anti-Jewish.
What neopagans mean by this isJewish death cult” is kind of a contradiction in terms. Judaism affirms life.
This is, of course, ridiculous. The vikings conquered Christianized lands and then assimilated accordingly.a) Jews are not European
b) Jesus, a Jew, preached a message of radical nonviolence
c) Ancient Germanics/Vikings valued honor and prowess in war
d) Therefore, since Jesus was a Jew, and Jews are outsiders, they must be trying to subvert European heritage
While I am sure that most pagans are perfectly harmless, remember that paganism was also appropriated by Nazis and continues to be appropriated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, ethno-nationalists, etc.he worships Odin and Thor and such and claims to be a pagan
This is like trying to dowse a fire with gasoline. If you want to say anything about religion, tell him what you believe and, briefly, why. Then walk away.Ask him for proof