Paganism and Europe?

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Hello. I encountered a pagan today who said Christianity is a Jewish death cult from the middle east created to divide the people of Europe. How do I refute him? He is very anti-Jewish.
Well he told me he worships Odin and Thor and such and claims to be a pagan.
Hello. I encountered a pagan today who said Christianity is a Jewish death cult from the middle east created to divide the people of Europe. How do I refute him? He is very anti-Jewish.
Just walk the other way. Anti-semitic pagan is almost a cliche.
If Odin and Thor are so strong, and Jesus is weak, then why was Europe converted to Christ? The vikings converted of their own accord.

If they protest that Christianity did so by violence, point out that they value violence, and that to the victors go the spoils.
Jove’s Oak (interpretatio romana for Donar’s Oak and therefore sometimes referred to as Thor’s Oak) was a sacred tree of the Germanic pagans located in an unclear location around what is now the region of Hesse, Germany. According to the 8th century Vita Bonifatii auctore Willibaldi, the Anglo-Saxon missionary Saint Boniface and his retinue cut down the tree earlier the same century. Wood from the oak was then reportedly used to build a church at the site dedicated to Saint Peter. Sacred trees and sacred groves were widely venerated by the Germanic peoples. Saint Boniface is the patron saint of Germany.
Wow! As people said when I was growing up, that sure is a mouthful.

“Jewish death cult” is kind of a contradiction in terms. Judaism affirms life.
Jewish death cult” is kind of a contradiction in terms. Judaism affirms life.
What neopagans mean by this is
a) Jews are not European
b) Jesus, a Jew, preached a message of radical nonviolence
c) Ancient Germanics/Vikings valued honor and prowess in war
d) Therefore, since Jesus was a Jew, and Jews are outsiders, they must be trying to subvert European heritage
This is, of course, ridiculous. The vikings conquered Christianized lands and then assimilated accordingly.

I’ve dealt with such people in other corners of the Internet. The Vikings were, to put it charitably, not the most literate or advanced people. A fact that neopagans like to forget.

How dare those scheming Judeo-Christians subvert Europe with (((books))) and (((Civilization))) and (((not acting like neanderthals)))!

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he worships Odin and Thor and such and claims to be a pagan
While I am sure that most pagans are perfectly harmless, remember that paganism was also appropriated by Nazis and continues to be appropriated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, ethno-nationalists, etc.
It’s kinda useless to point this out, since the people like whom OP is talking about are usually some kind neo-Nazi/white nationalist or what have you.
I’d say leave him be. He’s probably not going to be interested in or convinced by what you say. If he was truly open to knowing the truth and not just adopting paganism in order to express a certain anti-Jewish sentiment, then he would have realized that Judaism and Christianity are all about life.
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Most who identify as pagans today likely have little understanding of what that means. Ancient pagans had a deep sense of sin and need for redemption. They knew the diagnosis, then Christianity provided the cure, which they accepted as soon as they stopped killing us.

I suggest the OP himself read, or have the “pagan”, read lots of Tolkien, Chesterton, and C. S. Lewis.

Especially read Lewis’ autobiography Surprised By Joy.
In it there is a long section describing his young fascination with Norse paganism. His was a road travelled not by many, but if the friend is a genuine pagan, he might be one.
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