Paging Australians (on behalf of Swalezil)

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Australia does allow younger people to get work visas for a period of time…I’m not sure if it’s 12 months…I don’t know if it’s only people from certain countries…also I would assume they would have to be able to support themselves while there…I believe many of them will do fruit picking etc…that type of work while traveling around…now I haven’t lived in Australia for many years so I can’t vouch for any of this still being up to date info…hopefully an aussie here on CAF will be able to help more…he could look up the Australian government website which should have information on those wanting to get a work visa…I’m sure there are Australian Catholic missionary websites online he could ask…sorry I can’t be of more help but as I said I haven’t lived there for many years now…God bless
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Thanks to all who responded. He was very pleased. I think his next best move might be to join a lay missionary society that is located in Australia. That way, he will be vetted, and will become familiar with the continent, culture, etc.
It’s not that simple, he is going to need visas and sponsors. He is coming in for education and work. He is going to need to support himself, etc.

We have tough incoming rules here. He is better to get accepted into a seminary and get an education visa.

He needs to send emails to all those links I provided and determine how to achieve entry into a Australia under the appropriate visa. And entry into a seminary. If he wants to become a missionary Priest, then there are organisations here.
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I will admit that this is On-the-Job (OTJ) training for me. I have absolutely no experience with this particular aspect of vocational support, so what everyone says is most appreciated–especially what you’ve just posted. I know from an off-forum email that he appreciates the efforts being put in by everyone on his behalf. He is the second gentleman from Africa who has contacted me who seeks to serve in another area of the world.
Lay missionaries or lay organisations aren’t viewed as work or education. He can come in on a holiday visa but that lasts either 3 or 12 months but there are strict conditions with them. It won’t really give him a leg in the door either.

He needs to do it right, from the start. I had a friend who married a Fijian. She had a baby here. She still got sent back to Fiji with the baby for 12 months.

Look at the Commonwealth Games here. About 15 international athletes have absconded so far. Currently they aren’t in trouble with our government, but as soon as they over stay their 3 month visa, they are.

He may need to become a priest in his country, then move out. For example.
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