Pain Medication and Consent of the Will

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If a person is heavily sedated or out of due to legally prescribed pain medications, can a person’s consent of the Will be compromised like the physical body is under the medication??? Thanks and God Bless.
If a person is not in control of their faculties, they cannot give full consent of their will. If the loss of control is due to legal medical activities, there is no sin involved. Does that answer your question?
So I guess the same would apply to consciousness altering drugs used for sedation around procedures where the person will repond but has no memory of the event, right???
So I guess the same would apply to consciousness altering drugs used for sedation around procedures where the person will repond but has no memory of the event, right???
You are not culpable if under the influence of pain meds or meds used for sedation. However, if you take pain meds frequently and they no longer affect your mind, that’s a different story.
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