Papal infallibility concerning morals

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We Catholics know the opinion of non-Catholics concerning the Church’s teaching authority regarding faith (we’re pretty sure y’all don’t like it).

I’d like to hear concerns about the Church’s teaching authority regarding morals.

I’m not looking for “because it’s morally wrong to lead people to hell” or “it’s morally wrong to teach papal infallibility” types of responses. I would like to hear your problems with specific moral teachings of the Church.

Thanks in advance.
Frankly Mark, this issue of papal infalibility has been a great misunderstanding among non-catholics, especially Orthodox faithful. They view this dogma as having to step on their teachings and own authority.

With regards to moral issues and papal infallibility, I would just simply view it as an authority exercised in charity and not some kind of tyranny. The history of the Catholic Church and dogmatic proclamations of popes doesn’t show any “hostility” towards the faithful, but on the contrary, it is something that leads us into deeper understanding of the truth revealed by the Holy Spirit. Though those moral teachings is not acceptable by the standards of the world. But truly, it is not the pope that issue forth moral teachings but the Holy Spirit that was intrusted by Christ to guide the Church and its leaders, especially the pope.

every Catholic knows the pope is infallible until he teaches something is immoral that is something I can’t live without. Number one on any survy is going to be artificial contraception. the pope was right in affirming the long Judeo-Christian teaching on contraception, but 90 % of Catholic laity and clergy stopped believing on that issue alone, even tho history has proven Pope Paul VI correct in everything he predicted. If the pope says the War in Iraq cannot be justified, the conservatives will stop believing in infallibility, too.
every Catholic knows the pope is infallible until he teaches something is immoral that is something I can’t live without. Number one on any survy is going to be artificial contraception. the pope was right in affirming the long Judeo-Christian teaching on contraception, but 90 % of Catholic laity and clergy stopped believing on that issue alone, even tho history has proven Pope Paul VI correct in everything he predicted. If the pope says the War in Iraq cannot be justified, the conservatives will stop believing in infallibility, too.
That’s an interesting point of view, but didn’t he already (in-infallibily, of course) say that? That attitude will get you in big trouble around here, young lady!!
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