If he wanted to could a future Pope reinstate the wearing of the Papal Tiara and have the tradtional Papal Coronation or take the traditional Papal Oath?
Of course he could.If he wanted to coukl a future Pope reinstate the wearing of the Papal Tiara and have the tradtional Papal Coronation or take the traditional Papal Oath?
Thanks for the laugh, Bob.I think it’s beautiful!
Since the Popes aren’t wearing it anymore, where can I get it and give it to my Reformed pastor to wear? His wife would probably like it too!
A Cassock,Thanks for the laugh, Bob.
Would they fight over who gets to wear the cassock in the family?
Peace in Christ…Salmon
It was Paul VI:And the original thread is a good point. Was it Paul VI or Paul IV, I thought it was Paul VI. Anyways, not because I think it’s cool, but c’mon, why is the Catholic Church so “with the times” that it’s even concerned about modern fashion trends too?
Pope Paul VI was the last pontiff to wear the papal tiara. At the end of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI descended the steps of the papal throne in St. Peter’s Basilica and laid the tiara on the altar in a dramatic gesture of humility and as a sign of the renunciation of human glory and power in keeping with the renewed spirit of the Second Vatican Council. This last tiara was then given to benefit the poor, but remains as a symbol in the papal crest.
Hi,The Papal Tiara of Pope Pius IX:
http://www.spiritrestoration.org/images/papal tiara of pius IX.jpg
A Pope (I don’t know who) wearing the Tiara:
Pope Pius IX’s Tiara is BEAUTIFUL!
Thought you all might like the pics. Adios.
Kepha,I agree that the Pope could, but probably won’t. I think Popes like to wear the same shoes as their predecessor.
Father Ambrose,Our Orthodox bishops wear crowns, and I suppose that Byzantine Catholic bishops do too.
You took the words right of my mouth I happen to like the tiara to me it solidifys the dignity of the reigning pope by viture of his office. I don’t see why the Church had to cave into the modernist trend and try to appear more simple.And the original thread is a good point. Was it Paul VI or Paul IV, I thought it was Paul VI. Anyways, not because I think it’s cool, but c’mon, why is the Catholic Church so “with the times” that it’s even concerned about modern fashion trends too?
Maybe people need a visible reminder that the Pope is the most supremely powerful individual on earth “as God on earth.” If that’s indeed true. Aren’t you Catholics supposed to be all about visible reminders.
Ok, I’m not wanting to be taunting, really. And, the tiara isn’t necessary. But, why stop wearing it? Why is it so necessary to escape that “medieval mindset?”