Please share your knowledge…these were recent parallels I had discovered and wondered if there are any more that are just as intriguing. Or, comment on the ones below.
- Christ, the new Adam was tested in a garden similar to the first Adam. Garden of Eden vs. Garden of Gethsemene. Also when Mary Mag. visited the tomb she encountered Christ whom she first thought was a gardener.
- Adam was tempted by the tree, however he went to the wrong one. Christ chose the right one, the tree of life.
- The curse (Gen 3:17-19) due to the disobedience of the first man (Adam) included thorns, sweat, nakedness, and death. Our Lord (the new Adam) bears the curse (i.e. crown of thorns, sweats blood, stripped of his clothes, and suffers death on the cross)
- Ark of the Covenant parallels with Mary (i.e. Luke 1:41 with 2 Sam 6:14, Luke 1:43 with 2 Sam 6:9, and Luke 1:56 with 2 Sam 6:11)
- Isaac and Jesus (i.e. Isaac carried the wood as he went up a mountain in Moriah, Jesus carried the cross up Calvary)