Hello all. I am a young Catholic lad and a lay person with no intentions of going into the priesthood (as wonderful a vocation as it is). To answer my upcoming question some background information is necessary. From a very young age I’ve always been somewhat “gifted” in the paranormal realm. Some call it psychic, but I’ve found the term typically has a subtle implication of either secular, occult, or pagan ideologies. I’ve often been able to “sense” things before they happen. My mother would tell you of a time when I was extremely young before we were leaving the house for her to pick something up at work, apparently (I don’t remember very well) I told her we should wait until noon or “something bad will happen”. Apparently I said this type of thing often and mom typically shirked it off as coincidence until this day. All I remember is having a very ill feeling in my stomach as we left. Not ten minutes later we were hit by a drunk driver. Unfortunately my mother received some permanent injuries, but nothing serious enough to inhibit her too badly after some psychical therapy.
I remember going over to a friend’s house after high school. We hadn’t become friends until my senior year and he had already graduated. I went down to his basement which used to be his room. I immediately felt a sickening sensation. He asked me what was wrong. I told him I sensed a large blood stain on the floor by his bed. I told him “terrible things have happened down here. And a diabolical entity tortured someone”. My friend looked at me and asked me to point to locations where things had happened. I accurately found every spot. He told me when in high school, he was severely depressed. He would cut himself. He would have violent fantasies all while conversing with a creature he would only refer to as “the monster”. He had gotten much better, and by the Holy Spirit working within me, is now again active in his own Catholic faith. Just last week, I told my supervisor at work something bad would happen that night, six hours after we closed we received a call from security that the building had been broken into. Basically I could go on and on…
As a young man, unfortunately this “gift” manifested into a fascination with the occult. Tarot cards, horoscopes, and the ouija board. After one particular experience on the board I denounced the occult and re-embraced my faith. I met something evil on the board that night. It identified itself first as Beelzebub and then by circling the 6 on the board backwards 3 times and repeating.
Ever since then, I’ve been able to help people. By that I mean people who have dabbled and bad things are happening to them. People who are oppressed, and people that have strange things happen in their homes. Often times I pray to Saint Michael and a Litany of the Saints to assist in ceasing such activity. I have been recently contemplating a paranormal research team. I’d like to help people as a lay person as much as I can. I know that many times I’ve come into contact with diabolical entities. I know that they like to masquerade as “ghosts”. I’m aware of their behavioral patterns, their targeting patterns, and more. I’m aware of what I am allowed to do (layman’s prayers) and not allowed to do (exorcisms etc). Is there a way to be sanctioned as a lay person by the church to assist people with these types of problems?
I remember going over to a friend’s house after high school. We hadn’t become friends until my senior year and he had already graduated. I went down to his basement which used to be his room. I immediately felt a sickening sensation. He asked me what was wrong. I told him I sensed a large blood stain on the floor by his bed. I told him “terrible things have happened down here. And a diabolical entity tortured someone”. My friend looked at me and asked me to point to locations where things had happened. I accurately found every spot. He told me when in high school, he was severely depressed. He would cut himself. He would have violent fantasies all while conversing with a creature he would only refer to as “the monster”. He had gotten much better, and by the Holy Spirit working within me, is now again active in his own Catholic faith. Just last week, I told my supervisor at work something bad would happen that night, six hours after we closed we received a call from security that the building had been broken into. Basically I could go on and on…
As a young man, unfortunately this “gift” manifested into a fascination with the occult. Tarot cards, horoscopes, and the ouija board. After one particular experience on the board I denounced the occult and re-embraced my faith. I met something evil on the board that night. It identified itself first as Beelzebub and then by circling the 6 on the board backwards 3 times and repeating.
Ever since then, I’ve been able to help people. By that I mean people who have dabbled and bad things are happening to them. People who are oppressed, and people that have strange things happen in their homes. Often times I pray to Saint Michael and a Litany of the Saints to assist in ceasing such activity. I have been recently contemplating a paranormal research team. I’d like to help people as a lay person as much as I can. I know that many times I’ve come into contact with diabolical entities. I know that they like to masquerade as “ghosts”. I’m aware of their behavioral patterns, their targeting patterns, and more. I’m aware of what I am allowed to do (layman’s prayers) and not allowed to do (exorcisms etc). Is there a way to be sanctioned as a lay person by the church to assist people with these types of problems?