I love my mother-in-law, but she can be a bit pushy where she feels her “right” to do whatever she wants with my kids is concerned. For example, she brought over a keyboard for my girls (ages 2 1/2 and 1) even though she knew I didn’t want them to have one yet (we’ve discussed this more than once). She tried to sneak it in behind her back, which just annoyed me. They’ve already lost the keyboard because they got into a shoving match over it (part of the reason I didn’t think they were ready for one is that they’re still learning about sharing). At any rate, it’s not just the toy; it’s like she’s recently decided that she wants to engage us in a power struggle. On Sunday she walked in and told my older daughter to put her shoes on because they were going somewhere without asking my husband or I first; I told her that in the future she has to ask us first or the answer is going to be a resounding no. I let them go for a walk (MIL said it was to a yard sale down the street) and when they came back MIL said that there was no yard sale but that she’d taken my daughter to meet X family but they weren’t home. I don’t know X family and I told her again that it was not okay to just take my daughter somewhere without checking with us first, especially to meet someone I don’t know.
The thing is that she KNOWS how my husband and I feel about this. She was very supportive during my falling out with my father-in-law’s girlfriend over the same issue (FIL’s GF walked off with this same daughter, then 15 months old, in the middle of a crowded mall while I was in the ladies room) but seems to think that it should be okay for her to do it. Is it acceptable for me to set a boundary up around my kids? What is an acceptable consequence, or should there even be a consequence? I admittedly have a knee-jerk response to any suggestion that grandparents have authority (my paternal grandparents trumped up an abuse charge against my stepmother to get me to live with them and then tried to entice my brother to move in, too), what does the Church teach about this?
The thing is that she KNOWS how my husband and I feel about this. She was very supportive during my falling out with my father-in-law’s girlfriend over the same issue (FIL’s GF walked off with this same daughter, then 15 months old, in the middle of a crowded mall while I was in the ladies room) but seems to think that it should be okay for her to do it. Is it acceptable for me to set a boundary up around my kids? What is an acceptable consequence, or should there even be a consequence? I admittedly have a knee-jerk response to any suggestion that grandparents have authority (my paternal grandparents trumped up an abuse charge against my stepmother to get me to live with them and then tried to entice my brother to move in, too), what does the Church teach about this?