I’m a 20 year old Catholic concert. I converted in 2014 and so did the rest of my family (dad was raised Catholic but didn’t practice as an adult). I am the only one who still practices. I see a ton of posts from parents about their children leaving the Church but does anyone have parents who left? My family identifies as Catholic but they only go to mass once or twice a year. I guess you could call it relativism. They believe in being a ”good person” and not judging and what is true for you isn’t true for someone else. Faith is more of an accessory that fits into their lives when they need it. I’m not really sure how to put it into words. I want to love them but get a lot of sly remarks about my faith. I’m pursuing what is good, true, and beautiful. The more I seek it, the more injustice makes me angry. I am called all kinds of things because of my faith. My dad will often try to tell me why what I believe is wrong and tries to start debates over it.
Has anyone had a similar experience? How do you walk this line between faith and family when your views are so different?
Thank you so much!!
Has anyone had a similar experience? How do you walk this line between faith and family when your views are so different?
Thank you so much!!