Parents/Teachers of ages 9-11 please help

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I’ve got a project due in two weeks and I need some statistical info on how kids 9-11 yrs old answer the following quizzes. I’m part of a team working on an online museum exhibit about frogs. There’s a cute interactive program that goes along with the quizzes, but I can’t post the program (obvious reasons) so I’m just posting the boring quiz parts.

If anyone has kids in the appropriate age range, please give me the child’s age and his/her answers for the following quizzes. You can either pm me or reply to this thread. Either way I REALLY appreciate any help you’re willing to give me.

I deleted all the answers so if you don’t know the answer, you can’t help out the little ones 🙂 please don’t help them if you do know the answers because if the questions appear too easy I will make them harder. I know there is no quiz 3 - it’s a jigsaw puzzle of the brain. For the hangman quiz, play hangman with the kid and see if they can eventually get the word given the hint provided.

Please post or pm any feedback about the quizzes.
Have a large frog head in the middle bottom of the screen. Use the left and right arrow keys to “aim” the tongue and use the up arrow key to “catch” the right answer – true or false.
  1. Frogs have their eyes and nostrils at the top of their head so they can still see and breathe while still being mostly underwater.
  1. The frog’s skin is not sensitive to toxins in the environment so they are able to live in extremely polluted ponds.
  1. Frog size is highly variable. Some are less than ½ inch long while others are 15 inches long.
  1. Some frogs can change color.
  1. How much a frog’s foot is webbed is directly proportional to how much time that frog spends in the water.
  1. Frogs have pupils that can be circular, heart shaped, star shaped, or triangular.
  1. Frogs do not have teeth.
  1. Frogs have scales.
  1. Tadpoles are baby frogs.
  1. Frogs can give you warts.
Play hangman with the following words and the given hints
  1. amphibian - A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate
  2. herpetologist - the branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians
  3. metamorphosis - a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism
Have a frog doing a game show type thing with the kid as the contestant and the prize is being able to move on.
Pick the answer that is incorrect and doesn’t belong with the others.
  1. A frog’s call is used to
  • attract a mate
  • attract prey
  • defend territory
  1. Frog skin
  • sheds and is eaten by the frog
  • allows frog to breathe and drink
  • can change texture
  1. Frog legs
  • allow frogs to jump 20 times their body length
  • vary from species to species depending on their environment
  • can be dropped and regrown by the frog if a predator attacks
  1. Frogs use their lungs to
  • eat
  • hear
  • breathe

Has to go to each tooth and answer a riddle correctly at 4 teeth.
  1. What am I? I cannot be seen, but I can be felt on your skin and my effects can easily be seen in damaged property, fallen tree limbs, and even raining frogs!
  1. What am I? Because of me, frog bones and tree trunks have something in common. Frogs in cold areas must hibernate, and when they do, I form in their bones so scientists can tell how old they are.
  1. What am I? Almost all frogs have a long sticky version of me, but some do not have any version of me so they have to get very close to their prey before they can eat.
  1. What am I? I am the only continent on Earth that does not have any frogs.
It looks pretty good to me. I am a teacher and the quiz seems very-well thought out. Good job!
My 5th Grader’s answers:

1 t
2 f
3 t
4 t
5 f
6 f
7 t
8 f
9 t
10 f

1 got it
2 didn’t
2 got it

wrong answer
1 (a)
2 (c)
3 (a)
4 (b)

1 (no answer)
2 rings
3 tongue
4 Antarctica
  • (She has recently studied amphibians in school, and gets straight A’s in Catholic school)*
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