A Threat Worst Than Herod’s Troops Coming to a Diocese Near You
A Threat Worst Than Herod’s Troops Coming to a Diocese Near You
Brace yourselves moms and dads. The Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of New Orleans has approved an explicit sex-education program that endangers children. The course, called Growing in Love, is targeted to all Catholic grammar school children grades K-8. The publisher is Harcourt Religion, a subsidiary of Harcourt General, which produces abortion manuals. The course is divided into three books for each grade level: a Student Activity or Text, a Teaching Guide, and a Family Resource book. The Family Resource books contains the most graphic sexual material, but there are major defects is the other books as well.
continue reading totustuus.com/gil_crit.htmlUnder the pretext of answering the common questions children ask, parents are guided to harm their children with vivid and detailed sexual images. In the words of Dr. John Thompson, M.D., the psychiatrist who examined Growing in Love, “I can find no documentation that the questions are in fact ‘common’ or that they are age-appropriate. Many ‘common questions’ are four to six years ahead of the age groups’ sexual development and are quite graphic.” The following topics give a summary of some of this sexually explicit material, but they do not adequately capture its offensiveness. To grasp the full impact of this defective course, please check out the detailed critique of Growing in Love which follows this Summary. Kindergarten children are taught the concepts of homosexuality and sexual intercourse. In the third grade sexual intercourse is explicitly described along with erections and instruction regarding the finer points of masturbation.