Paris-based order to take over church above Rome's Spanish Steps

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By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – An accord between the Holy See and France has handed responsibility for the church that towers above Rome’s Spanish Steps to an urban monastic community.

In a formal agreement signed July 12 between the Holy See and France, the Monastic Fraternity of Jerusalem will run the Trinita dei Monti church and convent starting next year.

Founded in 1975 by French Father Pierre-Marie Delfieux, the coed monastic community is unique in that its 180 monks and nuns live in the heart of major cities, not in secluded sanctuaries. They work part time and support their religious communities with their incomes.

The fraternity finds its inspiration from Jesus’ prayer, “Father I do not pray that you take them out of the world, but that you free them from evil,” according to its Web site.

The monks and nuns seek to bring prayer into urban areas and create an oasis in “the desert of loneliness, unrest or indifference” in the city, it said.

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