I was going to recommend that book, too. The quote I just added to my signature is one that I came across in Weddell’s book.
Another interesting book in that same vein is “Rebuilt” by Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran. It recounts the story of one parish who decided to focus more on the people who were
not there at Church than those who were. In other words, they attempt to follow Jesus’ example of going after the lost sheep rather than simply catering to the sheep that are present because it’s easier.
I firmly believe that this type of intentional discipleship is really at the core of Pope Francis’ approach, and even to what St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict were getting at with all the talk of the “New Evangelization.” Many places in the West are now post-Christian, and there are many people in the pews who may have been catechized (to greater or lesser extent) but never evangelized. Until more are evangelized and come to an authentic encounter with the person of Jesus Christ, no amount of catechesis or parish programs are going to make things better.
As Pope Paul VI back in the 1970’s, the Church exists in order to evangelize. That is
the mission. It’s what Jesus told the apostles right before he ascended: “Go and
make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” If we’re not being disciple-makers, we’re neglecting a very crucial aspect of what it means to be Catholic.