Parishioners keep pushing me to be a priest, but I have mixed feelings

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First of all, most of you know that I am still in my RCIA. Yet, most of the parishioners keeps on pushing and hinting me to become a priest. I don’t know. My buddhist family on the other hand surely will protest this. Now I have mixed feelings. I guess they saw something in me that is ‘priest quality’? Or perhaps they knew I am still single? What should I do? Should I tell the parishioners and my priest to approach my family to talk about it?
One step at the time. You are not even Catholic yet and becoming a priest is a lifetime commitment. What people are suggesting is very very premature, like asking to a baby that just started moving the first steps to run a marathon Prepare seriously to enter the Catholic Faith, study, live the life of your community of faith but everything at the right time. When your faith will be more solid you may certainly start discerning a call to priesthood if that is what God (not peer pressure) is asking you to do.
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Just tell them thank you, it’s nice to know they see those qualities in you. But – still being in RCIA, it’s far too early to make a decision like that. You need to have some time to settle in as a Catholic first.
Why should anyone discuss it with your family? That’s for you to do, if you eventually decide to consider the priestthood.
After someone has been received into the Catholic Church there are at least three years of “simply being Catholic” (in most dioceses) before the new Catholic can even start the process of entering seminary or religious life. This is because the new Catholic needs time to stand solidly with both feet on the ground and pass the “emotional being in love stage”. I find this very, very necessary.

It seems like the parishioners are not properly formed in how the process to entering seminary or religious life is. Ask your priest to tell everyone, at a good time, what the process looks like. It might also be good to tell him if he hears people talking about you becoming a priest that they should mind their own business and not meddle into someone else´s vocation.

One way of politely telling people to mind their own business is to say: “I talk about my future with a few selected persons. You are not one of them.” and then change the subject. If you feel like it then inform them about the long, long process with going to spiritual direction, meeting the vocations director, bishop, visiting seminary, applying process with all doctor´s appointments of various kinds, paper work etc etc. And the three year waiting period for a convert.

It seems like just because a person is single and about to be received into the Catholic Church everyone believes that that person is going to be a priest or nun. I have been asked if I am going to be a nun several times. There is no need to talk to your parents about people thinking you should be a priest when it is not even possible for you to enter into the process of becoming a priest yet.

Just because someone says you should be a priest doesn’t mean that God is calling you to be a priest. If God is calling you to be Catholic is what should be your focus at the moment.
They probably just like you.
I don’t think they’ll shun you because you don’t become a priest.
Some folks mean well, but they’re a bit pushy.
I have great respect for priests, but I wouldn’t want to be one. The first thing you need to ask yourself, is that do you feel called to be one? If not, then there’s probably not much else you or anyone can do about that. I remember people kept asking me if I was going to be a priest, because I’m single, but they were asking me that when I was a lot younger than I am now, since I’ve been Catholic since 2009. I am thankful for the men that are, but I do not have any desire, nor the patience to be one. It takes a type of temperament that I know I just don’t have.
Just because they love you very much don’t mean it’s always the best fit. It’s a life changing journey filled with many challenges down the road. If you don’t want to do it… it’s not your responsibility to fulfill their wishes. You can serve in other ways.
I agree with what everyone says, but dont be harsh with the people telling you these things, they mean well. I personally wouldn’t tell them to mind their own business or anything so harsh, this is your new family. I’d suggest just saying something gentle like, I am still new or I am still learning my way. I am sure they are just being encouraging in their own way. It may also be useful to remind them of the 3yr thing, if they are indeed being too pushy, that’s there for your own protection as much as the church’s.

Welcome and enjoy being a Catholic.
I remember people kept asking me if I was going to be a priest, because I’m single,
@adamhovey1988 THIS 👆

@0Scarlett_nidiyilii Yup, they were being pushy. Giving me books to read, telling others to tell me too, etc.
It might also be good to tell him if he hears people talking about you becoming a priest that they should mind their own business and not meddle into someone else´s vocation.
@HeDa They said they even prayed for me to become one. This of course makes me feel "obligated’ to become a priest.
It sounds like they recognize you have an interest in the faith! That says good things. Still, don’t let them pressure you into that vocation. Politely decline.
If you give it some thought, perhaps you can come up with a standard way you respond to these people.

“Hmmmm…I thought I had to become Catholic first.”
“Hmmmm…I wonder what my girlfriend would think about that.”
“Hmmmm…” and then change the subject.
Tell them that First you need to become Catholic.
My buddhist family on the other hand surely will protest this.
If it’s something you want they cannot stop you.
Should I tell the parishioners and my priest to approach my family to talk about it?
This is not a decision for your family. It’s YOUR decision and YOUR Vocation.

You’re not obligated to and shouldn’t be pushed into a vocation.
First you need to finish RCIA and a vocation is something I wouldn’t rush into. Wait 2 or 3 years after becoming catholic before you make a decision and of course pray to God he will give you the answers if you just talk to him. Just beacuse your single now does not mean that you will find the woman your supposed to marry in 2 years time.
My rcia teacher approached me about if I had ever thought of a religious vocation. This was before I even was Baptized. And for the past 5 years he was always mentioning that he thought I had a religious vocation. He even has said this to priests lol. It never bothered me. I guess he was just amazed that someone in rcia already had read most The Bible when most do not even own a Bible.

Don’t let it bother you. It should not. Don’t feel obligated to do anything. Do you like the idea of marriage more? Nothing wrong with that. Do you like the idea of being a priest too? That’s normal. I do not think any single person (meaning not in a relationship) in rcia who is a convert has not wondered if they are meant to be a priest.

Would you jump off a bridge just because others tell you too? Of course not. So it’s not wise either to go into a religious life just because others really want you too. Take a few years after rcia to really think about it if you kinda like the idea. But do it because you feel you are called. Not for others.

Maybe you won’t be single anymore in acouple years. Then everyone will only be pushing you to become a Deacon lol. But seriously, don’t stress over it. It’s not worth stressing over.

Btw, why would anyone need to approach your family to talk about you being a priest? You seek out finding your vocation. Family does not decide for us on any level.
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Hello Rutherford,

Well, as many people have said, it is only your decision. Tune out the pressures of other people. Only see it as possibly putting the thought in your head. Past that, the desires of others have no effect on your vocation.

Now, to actually discern if you are being called to the priesthood (or religious life… just putting it out there 😁) or any major decision in our life through which we want to follow God’s will, there is one major method which I suggest and have found agreement in everyone from Popes (in their writings) all the way down to fellow seminarians.


This is one of the reasons why the three year waiting period is instituted: to sharpen the candidates method of prayer and to allow for a simple period of learning to listen to God through spiritual silence away from all the clamor of actually learning the faith.

Simply offer up the decision to God. He will answer. We only have to learn how to listen.
You have so much to learn about being Catholic before even considering becoming a priest.
I speak as someone who entered seminary within months of my confirmation. I recommend living as a Catholic for at least a couple of years and studdying Catholicism a ton before seriously considering entering a seminary.
You need to understand first what it means to live as a faithful Catholic, and that’s something which takes years to even begin to really understand.
Careful with others adoration of your fervent zeal for your new-found Catholic faith. I know how that feels, and it’s not what’s best for you. Spend time living out your Catholic faith and then check with yourself in a couple of years and see where you’re at.
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