After someone has been received into the Catholic Church there are at least three years of “simply being Catholic” (in most dioceses) before the new Catholic can even start the process of entering seminary or religious life. This is because the new Catholic needs time to stand solidly with both feet on the ground and pass the “emotional being in love stage”. I find this very, very necessary.
It seems like the parishioners are not properly formed in how the process to entering seminary or religious life is. Ask your priest to tell everyone, at a good time, what the process looks like. It might also be good to tell him if he hears people talking about you becoming a priest that they should mind their own business and not meddle into someone else´s vocation.
One way of politely telling people to mind their own business is to say: “I talk about my future with a few selected persons. You are not one of them.” and then change the subject. If you feel like it then inform them about the long, long process with going to spiritual direction, meeting the vocations director, bishop, visiting seminary, applying process with all doctor´s appointments of various kinds, paper work etc etc. And the three year waiting period for a convert.
It seems like just because a person is single and about to be received into the Catholic Church everyone believes that that person is going to be a priest or nun. I have been asked if I am going to be a nun several times. There is no need to talk to your parents about people thinking you should be a priest when it is not even possible for you to enter into the process of becoming a priest yet.
Just because someone says you should be a priest doesn’t mean that God is calling you to be a priest. If God is calling you to be Catholic is what should be your focus at the moment.