Part way through Lent

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How is your Lent progressing? Are you able to manage doing the readings,praying ,perhaps extra week day mass’s,time in Adoration, doing the stations of the cross privately or with a group that you had planned to do?
You might have the unexpected to offer up ,or discovered a group to pray with …
Anyways ,I’m just curious and need a boost at the moment by hearing how you’re all doing.
God bless 🙂
Kept my expectations low. God provided penances for me, as I kind of thought he might. Dear son got himself into a bit of trouble, and a dear lady at work was diagnosed with cancer, so that directs my efforts in the Lenten penance department.

Me? Other than aches and pains, I’m doing great.
The media is making lent fun, But

As Pope Francis requested.
We are doing 24hr Adoration atm.
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Because I’m my mother’s caregiver, I haven’t made any extra Masses (can’t unless I’m at the hospital since she’s with me at those times). But I have viewed the Masses on EWTN and on our local Catholic station. Also have been reading more Scriptures as well as viewing the late Fr Groeschel’s Lent Today DVD and reading his book, The King, Crucified and Risen: Meditations On The Passion And Glory Of Christ which walks us through each week of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Week and includes some hymns to be sung during this time as well.
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Yep, Lent is going well. It is not, however, going anything like I had planned. I think the two are connected. I can picture God seeing the program I’d put together for my Lenten journey, rolling his eyes and tossing the divine monkey wrench into the whole thing. By the Saturday after Ash Wednesday, I gave up and since then I’ve just let things happen on their own. It’s been surprising, in a very good way. Looks like I got the whole Lenten prep business really, really wrong this time. Thanks be to God for rescuing me from all that!
A prayer for your son that everything will be resolved for the best,
for the lady at work who is battling cancer,
and for you’ for ease of the aches and pains.
God bless
Still doing somethings well (daily mass/more prayer/plenary indulgence/Divine Mercy chaplet) and others things spotty (fasting from food–go figure. This is always very hard for me).
Awww. Thank you Trishie. Norma at work is Catholic, and in her 40s. I am doing the St. Perrigrine novena for her. Far you young for that to hit. My son is, well, my son.

One of the things I have been doing this lent is meditating parts of various prayers like the “Our Father” in the Lord’s Prayer. I find it very enriching spiritually.
My Lent is going pretty well so far. Sticking to what I gave up, sweets, profanity ( more aware when I have slipped 😬 ) more prayers, created prayer shelves in my bedroom of statues, prayer cards, candles, books. Somehow gave up listening to the radio and music in the car, although I hadn’t planned on it. It just happened, so I went with it. I had been trying to get to weekday mass even before Lent, so I have been making it 4 days a week and I am happy with that. Although I have a lot of stressors in my life, I feel like this Lent is going better than it has in the past.
Lent’s in the past, I made my plans, failed miserably and let God take over. This year I made my normal resolutions (no sweets, hard alcohol, fast food) which I’ve kept with mixed results. Lent this year coincides with a stripping down I’m experiencing in my life. I left my co-op gallery of 18 years. It turned out to be a lot of work and responsibility (I’ve been their bookkeeper for the past 3 years) so now that it’s gone I feel a lot lighter. I also left an online forum which I had been a member of for a very long time. That’s also lightened my mood considerably. I feel happier than I have in a long time.

This Lent has been a continuation of a something I locked onto last All Soul’s Day. It was then that I figured out I need to take care of my boss and really up my game at work. To put it in a biblical perspective I’m being called not to bury my talents in the ground. It’s been a real challenge, but I’m enjoying working closely with my boss who I feel is a very devout Catholic. We’re framing a few important documents for the bishop, so it’s been a lot of fun.

I guess do to my status of being in a parish ‘limbo’ I haven’t made it to any extra masses, the Stations or any missions or retreats. Lent for me is all about setting out into the desert and being alone in the quiet for awhile, but I miss my faith community. I’m also grateful to have landed on CAF. There’s some solid people on these boards and I’m happy to have a solid Catholic online community.

Really, the verse running through my head this Lent is ‘happy are we’. For the first time in my life I’m beginning to understand what that means.
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