Partial/Plenary Indulgences

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Am a bit confused about this. Don’t seem to find anything in great detail about it. Does “Partial” mean part forgiveness of a sin or all of ones sins? And does “Plenary” mean total forgiveness of one sin, or all of ones sins? Then their are other indulgences given to some prayers, like 300 days indulgences, etc. Confusing cause there is no time in eternity.
Anyone can help about this, I’d appreciate. Thanks.
From the Catholic Encyclopedia (, perhaps this will help. 🙂

An indulgence is the extra-sacramental remission of the temporal punishment due, in God’s justice, to sin that has been forgiven, which remission is granted by the Church in the exercise of the power of the keys, through the application of the superabundant merits of Christ and of the saints, and for some just and reasonable motive. The most important distinction, however, is that between plenary indulgences and partial. By a plenary indulgence is meant the remission of the entire temporal punishment due to sin so that no further expiation is required in Purgatory. A** partial indulgence ** commutes only a certain portion of the penalty; and this portion is determined in accordance with the penitential discipline of the early Church.

There are additional conditions that must be met for the acquiring of a plenary indulgence:
  • that the person truly repudiate and be sorry for all sin, mortal and venial;
  • reception of Holy Communion on the day the indulgence is sought;
  • Sacrament of Penance several days (not specified how many) before or after the indulgence is sought; and
  • prayer (which can in the form of an Our Father and a Hail Mary) for the intentions of the Pope on the day the indulgence is sought.
Hope this helps you some!
Thank you MakerTeacher. You have shed lots of light on this subject. It’s answers like this that make me glad to be a member of these Forums. If I may ask…how is it that you have such knowledge of spiritual subjects? Are you highly educated/preist?
Jus cusrious.
An indulgence is the extra-sacramental remission of the temporal punishment due, in God’s justice, to sin that has been forgiven
Underline and highlight this point. It is not the forgiveness of sins. They have already been forgiven. It is the remission of temporal punishments due to sin.
Well I wanted to address this question but after reading the other two posts, there really is nothing left to say. 👍
Thank you MakerTeacher. You have shed lots of light on this subject. It’s answers like this that make me glad to be a member of these Forums. If I may ask…how is it that you have such knowledge of spiritual subjects? Are you highly educated/preist?Jus cusrious.
Kowboy you flatter me! 😉 I like that. He he he he 👍

I’m just a Mom and a convert who loves learning about her Faith. I also have a wonderful CD program with Church documents on it that I use for reference a lot, and a nice collection of apologetics materials close at hand, including my dog-eared copy of Karl Keating’s classic work, Catholicism and Fundamentalism. That was actually the first apologetics book I read, about ten years ago now, and it remains the one I turn to first when facing a debate of any kind. I highly recommend it as a starting point. There’s a lifetime of wonderful reading out there!!
First of all Indulgences have nothing to do with the forgiveness of the guilt of sins. They remit temporal punishment atill due AFTER sins are forgiven in Reconciliation or through other means. Plenery means total remission of temporal punishment due to your forgiven sins. Partial which include all of the older 100, 300, 500 day remissions are just that partial remission of temporal punishment.
The “300 days” annotations are no longer used because they are confusing.

It used to be that individuals had to do their penance for certain time periods. Certain acts would reduce that temporal punishment by a certain numebr of days. The time frames noted do not refer to “Time in Purgatory,” it refers to the equivalent of the temporal punishment in Purgatory related to 300 days’ acts of penance in our world.

But people started relating it to “time off of Purgatory” so the convention was dropped, and now we are only granted plenary or partial indulgences.
Kowboy you flatter me! 😉 I like that. He he he he 👍

I’m just a Mom and a convert who loves learning about her Faith. I also have a wonderful CD program with Church documents on it that I use for reference a lot, and a nice collection of apologetics materials close at hand, including my dog-eared copy of Karl Keating’s classic work, Catholicism and Fundamentalism. That was actually the first apologetics book I read, about ten years ago now, and it remains the one I turn to first when facing a debate of any kind. I highly recommend it as a starting point. There’s a lifetime of wonderful reading out there!!
I would be grateful if you would share more information about your CD program with another convert! It’s been a little over 2 years for me and I am eager to learn all I can. There is sooo much to know! Thanks!
Kowboy you flatter me! 😉 I like that. He he he he 👍

I’m just a Mom and a convert who loves learning about her Faith. I also have a wonderful CD program with Church documents on it that I use for reference a lot, and a nice collection of apologetics materials close at hand, including my dog-eared copy of Karl Keating’s classic work, Catholicism and Fundamentalism. That was actually the first apologetics book I read, about ten years ago now, and it remains the one I turn to first when facing a debate of any kind. I highly recommend it as a starting point. There’s a lifetime of wonderful reading out there!!
Hello again! I’ve read it somewhere that when a Rosary is said within a Church or Sacraisty, it is a Plenary Indulgence, and a Partial otherwise, and Communion on the day isn’t required? Is it mandatory to be in the state of grace; if not, is the indulgencys still granted? And, if I said three Rosarys in Church and received Communion, is it three indulgences? :confused:
You could also join the Confraternity of the Rosary. Google it. They grant plenary indulgences several times a year for your commitment to pray at least 3 full Rosaries a week.I say one a day at my lunch hour.
You could also join the Confraternity of the Rosary. Google it. They grant plenary indulgences several times a year for your commitment to pray at least 3 full Rosaries a week.I say one a day at my lunch hour.
Oh yes…have already done that, got my certificate dated: July 16, 2004! I do 2-3 Rosarys every day…even at times, 6-8 a day, which has been going on for a year now! One every day before daily Mass; others when on a bus or walking along or at home. :blessyou:
I too have read that saying a rosary in a church grants a plenary indulgence, but I’m not sure on the specifics. I’m sure you would have to be in a state of grace to receive said indulgence. Is it a full rosary (all 20 mysteries) or just what we normally think of as the rosary (the 5 specific mysteries for that day)? I say a 5-decade rosary sometimes before Mass. Does this grant the indulgence?
I heard a priest on EWTN say that one can obtain a plenary indulgence daily, if you go to confession every other week, (fulfilling the within 7 days before or after), receive Eucharist(Sunday Mass-meets the 7 days), and prayer for the Pope, and then pray a rosary daily(5 decades) or read Scripture 30 minutes or more daily. I try to do this.
I have seen that the 7 days is a guide that it could be a little more, but that I would double check because I read it somewhere. Maybe ask an apologist!!!
God bless,
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