For those that have seen my other posts, it is no secret that I am pregnant, about 5-6 weeks from due date. Last night, while kneeling next to the tub to shampoo the kids hair at the end of their bath, I passed out. DH handled it well (which really surprised me, knowing him) but it also scared the heck out of him. Not that I blame him there. He took me to the hospital, where they hooked me up to the fetal heart monitor for a couple hours, and took my vitals, etc. As far as they can see, everything is fine, and it was probably just one of those things, combined environmental factors all at once (hot steamy bath room, end of a rough day, not enough to drink, etc.) So baby and I are ok as far as we can tell. However, I *almost *passed out about a month ago (hot humid day, wen to the public outdoor pool, came home hit the air conditioning, and nearly passed out) So DH is very concerned. Just say a prayer for us, if you would.