Passing up on the ability to attend mass?

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So currently my husband and I have the ability to attend a mass in our city. The mass is not public, but the priest does not close his doors. So anyone who comes is welcome. But I imagine it’s on the down-low because he is not supposed to be having “public” masses. Now, my husband and I have the opportunity to visit with some family Saturday and Sunday away from the city. Would it be a sin in any way if we were to miss this mass? Or would the general dispensation continue to cover us? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
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There is no sin involved in not attending Mass if your local Bishop has suspended the Sunday obligation (which I believe nearly every Bishop has).

In fact, if a priest is having Masses “on the down low” so as to avoid a directive from his Bishop to not have public Masses…that’s closer to sin than not attending Mass if the obligation is suspended.
Thank you for your response! And I don’t really think it’s on the down low, he just mentioned to my husband a few days ago that he doesn’t lock the doors when he says mass.
There is no sin involved in not attending Mass if your local Bishop has suspended the Sunday obligation (which I believe nearly every Bishop has).
I am about to be in a similar situation. Our churches are opening back up, but we haven’t got to go to Mass. (My pastor and the people involved have figured out what to do to make sure we can social distance), we still have a dispensation from our Mass obligation, however.
I am about to be in a similar situation. Our churches are opening back up, but we haven’t got to go to Mass. (My pastor and the people involved have figured out what to do to make sure we can social distance), we still have a dispensation from our Mass obligation, however.
Masses (with restrictions in place) can begin in my city starting Monday May 11. However, I won’t be attending until the Bishop restores the Sunday obligation due to my job in health care. Both the government and my diocese have said that health care workers (along with immunocompromised persons, the elderly, etc.) should not attend Mass at this time. So I’ll continue to “attend” Sunday Mass by watching the televised Mass.

I am both joyful that Mass is resuming, however, and more than a bit envious for those who will be able to attend. May the day come soon when we can all attend without fear!
Definitely not a stupid question, especially given these new circumstances that we are all living in.
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