Passion Movie Question(s)

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My wife and I were both wondering–what was the significance of the ugly child that Satan was carrying at one point during Christ’s scourging?

Also, has anyone transcribed the Latin and Aramaic dialogue and put it somewhere on the 'net? I could understand about 30% of the Aramaic, because of my training in Arabic, and I would like to be able to see it and hear it at the same time, maybe learn a little more of how that language works.

I think it was one of the EWTN people, maybe Raymond Arroyo, say that the ugly “baby” was Satan’s way of mocking the Blessed Mother during that scene. It makes sense if you think about it.

Good luck with Aramaic! I’ve been trying to tackle a little bit of Latin and it’s really tough.
Mel Gibson answered this question… He said something about the devil distorting what is good. Can someone give further info on this? I can’t find my printout.
I attended the movie with my daughter and son-in-law. Walking towards the car, I mentioned the ugly whatever holding an ugly baby and wondered what Mel Gibson was trying to convey. My SIL, who is not baptized and is not affiliated to any religion immediately said: “It’s the devil mocking the Virgin and her Christ child.” I was amazed at this answer.

what was the significance of the ugly child that Satan was carrying at one point during Christ’s scourging?
The scene reminded me of Genesis 3:14-15:
The LORD God said to the serpent *, “…*I will put enmity between you and the woman [the Blessed Virgin Mary], and between your seed * and her seed [Jesus Christ]; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” *
I don’t mean to horn in on your thread but it does say Passion Movie Question**(s)**.
I wonder the significance of Our Blessed Mother dropping the rocks from her hands at the Crucifixion.
I heard her speak of it on EWTN but I don’t remember, or I can’t repeat what she said it means.
I don’t mean to horn in on your thread but it does say Passion Movie Question**(s)**.
I wonder the significance of Our Blessed Mother dropping the rocks from her hands at the Crucifixion.
I heard her speak of it on EWTN but I don’t remember, or I can’t repeat what she said it means.
As I recall from the interview, it is supposed to be a sign of Mary’s extreme sorrow. Apparently in the Middle Eastern culture, a woman might throw dirt on herself as a sign of grief, perhaps after Luke 23:29, which says, “Then they will begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us'; and to the hills, Cover us.’” Anyway, they tried it for the film but they couldn’t get the visual effect they wanted; the Blessed Virgin got too dirty. So, instead of throwing dirt on herself, they have the Blessed Virgin merely two grab handfuls of dirt and then let them go.
Thanks, Katie, that was about as authoritative as you can get.

No problem, Faith_ful; my question’s been answered, bring on more questions

Still looking for a site with a transcript of the Latin/Aramaic dialog.

I just watched “The Passion” this morning. I know that might be hard to believe. They were right in saying that it was a movie you experience not enjoy. I have to admit I came to tears a couple of times. The question and or comment I have was the very last scene of the crucifixion when the camera panned above them, A drop of water fell from the sky and when it landed the earthquake happened and all. Could Mel have been trying to show that God actually shed a tear at the death of his son? If so, That was an AWESOME and very creative touch. Any comments?
The question and or comment I have was the very last scene of the crucifixion when the camera panned above them, A drop of water fell from the sky and when it landed the earthquake happened and all. Could Mel have been trying to show that God actually shed a tear at the death of his son? If so, That was an AWESOME and very creative touch. Any comments?
You’ve got it. I’ve read on several occasions that Mel intended that as God’s teardrop. (Believe me, I’ve read literally HUNDREDS of reviews of this movie!!!:o )

If you watch the movie a few times you’ll notice more and more of these kind of creative touches. It’s full of them. This film is a great work of art as well as a spiritual experience (IMHO)
Here’s another. At the moment Jesus is stripped of his garment just before the crucifixion, there is a flashback to the moment at the Last Supper when the cloth covering the bread is pulled back. And there are other Eucharistic links. I wonder if our “separated brethren” “got” many of those very Catholic touches??
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