Does anyone know of any congregations of Passionist sisters who wear the habit and are orthodox but who are not cloistered, and do some type of work with the poor, children, or elderly?
I did a search but unfortunately, the only Passionist sisters I could find who were not cloistered, did not wear habits. Hopefully someone else will be able to help. I’ll keep searching. God bless you!Does anyone know of any congregations of Passionist sisters who wear the habit and are orthodox but who are not cloistered, and do some type of work with the poor, children, or elderly?
I think she was originally referring to “sisters” as in active apostolates. There are such a thing, and they aren’t cloistered, but they aren’t habited as well. Here’s their website:All Passionist nuns (they’re nuns, not sisters) are cloistered, however the Monastery in Clark Summit, PA, is slightly more liberal in that they have a retreat ministry and so interact more openly with others (while remaining in the Monastery).
Some of the nuns in Clark Summit wear the traditional habit, and some do not, although they may all do so while engaging in the retreat ministry. I’m not sure. (I met them in a personal situation.)
If you are attracted to the Passionist charism, you may consider visiting a Passionist Monastery to speak with one of the priests about your possible vocation.
That seems to be the problem with several orders nowadays. There are even Carmelites who do not wear the habitYes, I really like their charism, but I also feel called to do some sort of work especially with orphanages. unfortunately all the non-cloistered Passionist sisters seem more liberal…
Thanks! I like their blog.The passionist nuns in Whitesville, KY are very good. They wear the full habit. They are cloistered. They have received some young vocations recently. They seem to have a great love for the Church, their passionist charism, and our Lord and Lady.
passionistnuns.org/ - website for them
passionistnuns.org/blog/index.php - their blog
Their blog is pretty awesome.
Yes, I agree…I mean I could understand a missionary order maybe wanting to dress like the people they are working with, but at the same time, they’re supposed to look different, their habit is their symbol of belonging to Christ, so I think that overrides wanting to blend in. And then if they are dissenting from the church, that is bad, and doesn’t make much sense.That seems to be the problem with several orders nowadays. There are even Carmelites who do not wear the habitI don’t understand why so many religious have become lax and liberal (not just in the matters of the habit). It’s disturbing and upsetting. We must pray for them.
ST. PAUL OF THE CROSSDoes anyone know of any congregations of Passionist sisters who wear the habit and are orthodox but who are not cloistered, and do some type of work with the poor, children, or elderly?
"Passionist nuns live some of the most austere religious lives: They shave their heads; get up at 2 a.m. every day to pray; whip themselves with small leather lashes to share in the pain of Christ’s flogging; practice long-term fasting, give up foods such as fruit and vegetables during the summer as penance, and only speak one hour a day. Their suffering, they believe, can help save lost souls.Wait a cotton pickin’ minute! We have three convents here in Ontario,(two in the archdiocese of Toronto, one in the diocese of St. Catharine’s) of a congregation of Passionist Sisters of St. Paul of the Cross, founded by Maria Maddalena in 1815. These ladies wear a black modified habit-with veil- in winter and a grey version in summer (Toronto having both frigid winters and stifling summers). They wear the Passionist insignia over the heart. They were not, it is true, founded by St. Paul of the Cross; but then, neither were the Sisters of the Cross and Passion. As to the Passionist nuns wearing the habit-well, I am told they do shave their heads bald…anyone know whether this is true?
Please keep us updated on this.If anyone is looking for a Passionist Active Order of Sisters you might try looking into a new Order that is forming in Michigan that is not Passionist but has a very similar spirituality. They are called the Sisters of Jesus’ Merciful Passion. They are not on the web yet but soon will be. May God bless you in your vocational search!![]()