Patriarch Alexis Says Ban Abortion

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MOSCOW, December 15 (RIA Novosti) - Commerce is not to penetrate the Church, stressed Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, while addressing a diocesan conference of the Moscow clergy today.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church came down on such priests as succumb to the secular world’s pressure, reports the conference press service.

"The Orthodox Christian mind is secularizing. The ecclesiastical spirit is receding. Spiritual blindness is coming in. Commerce is getting ever stronger in many aspects of parochial life as an alarming token of all those evils. Material interests come into the foreground ever more often to oust and strangle everything living and sublime.

“Nothing frightens the flock off religion worse than the clergy’s cupidity. It is not for nothing greed for money is known as an abominable deathly passion, an infernal sin-betrayal of the Lord on a par with the sin of Judas,” said the Patriarch.

He strongly warned against clerical fees for administering sacraments, especially baptism.

“We are in duty bound, and we are able to explain to the flock that churches are property of the entire people of God, so it is Christian duty to donate what each can afford to church maintenance. Yet our explanations are by no means to turn into begging donations, or forcing one into them. This must be a kind, fatherly explanation and encouragement.”

Russia is getting through a demographic crisis, its population dwindling apace. There is an appalling number of abortions. Spiritual values are thrown overboard. That is the principal cause of those disastrous evils, the Patriarch went on. A majority of marriages end in divorce. The number of babies coming into the world lags desperately behind the number of babies killed in mother’s womb. Ever more men and women turn to drugs and heavy drinking. Ever more commit suicide. That is what comes of “godless life, forgetfulness of the good, and ignorance of moral duty”.

“We are doomed to live in a horrible time when our nation is extinguishing. We have every reason to say that its extinction has moral roots,” the Patriarch went on.

“To kill a baby in mother’s womb is the most heinous of deadly sins. That precept has always been part and parcel of the Church doctrine. Meanwhile, the number of abortions in Russia defies imagination year in, year out. The nation is dying out, and that is nothing surprising. Does this nation deserve to survive at all, we wonder.”

That is a very awesome and strong statement! I wish he and the Holy Father could reconcile and join forces for the common good. God Bless
I am so sorry that Fr. Ambrose is not here to comment on it - I see that he has been “suspended” - although I cannot see anything bannable which comes to my mind off hand. :mad:
I think that Russia a country with 2 millions of aborts per year, where abortion is free and give a child not in the hospital, must ban the abortion and even I think that the abortion will forbid, all my support, greetings
Dear HS:

In the absence of Fr. Ambrose, why not the other Orthodox posters here like John **(prodromos) ** representing the Orthodox Church of Greece or Bob **(Orthodoc), ** decidedly with a Russian bent, representing the OCA?

And where is Myhrr?

Fr. Ambrose’s ROCOR/ROCA line, pending their reconciliation with the Moscow Patriarchate, might not be representative of Russian Orthodoxy, much less of “world” Orthodoxy.

Just musing.
In the absence of Fr. Ambrose, why not the other Orthodox posters here like John **(prodromos) **representing the Orthodox Church of Greece or Bob **(Orthodoc), **decidedly with a Russian bent, representing the OCA?
And where is Myhrr?
Fr. Ambrose’s ROCOR/ROCA line, pending their reconciliation with the Moscow Patriarchate, might not be representative of Russian Orthodoxy, much less of “world” Orthodoxy.
Just musing.
Its hard to understand why they cant be just one orthodox voice when they are very ethnical and dosen’t want to be assoicated with the other.

Let us be aware that the United States is also dying. One reason the government has not “solved” the immigration problem is that we need foreign young people to do our work. Our population has grown old and is dying. Abortion is the cause. Europe is also dying, because of abortion. The Third World countries are the only ones producing babies. It’s elementary biology. The victors are the ones whose genes are transmitted to succeeding generations.

The voice of the Holy Father was never more prophetic than when he issued Humanae Vitae.

The Catholic Church is the only hope for the survival of civilization as we know it.

I am so sorry that Fr. Ambrose is not here to comment on it - I see that he has been “suspended” - although I cannot see anything bannable which comes to my mind off hand. :mad:
Seconded. :mad:
I was before the Pope when he issued that life is sacred. I was 13. Now I am 35. How can I Have children when everything costs so much? If I am to work for the church. How can I do so when Education costs so much? We are out of touch with reality. Even as a church. It costs what something like $25,000 a year to educate a seminarian? No one heard me when I said I paid for 2 years of eduaction myself helping to pay with a part time job, because everything costs so much and we have so little, life is not worth much. Than we expect they get a job to pay for it. My God what is happening to us. I will be glad when it is all over.

I saw another bomber flying over my house today. I been seeing alot of them. I live Near DC and I am afraid soon the answer will present itself.
Its hard to understand why they cant be just one orthodox voice when they are very ethnical and dosen’t want to be assoicated with the other.
It is hard for us to understand how people can be so ignorant as to think we are like this 😦
It is hard for us to understand how people can be so ignorant as to think we are like this 😦
Particularly when the RC’s have I believe 18 separate rites of our own.
Theres alot but its all based on Church Cannon and litney, the creedo, the sanctification, consecrecation and veneration of the blessed sacrements.

We cant be all high and mighty, when he mass changed from Aramaic to latin, It could be changed back to greek or english. Who are we to pass judgment on our own church?
I think we have 20+ (22, 23?)
You may be right - I lost count and if pressed to name them all couldn’t anymore. However, I still remember the choirs of angels…(not much of an ice breaker at parties, but nice to know just the same).
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