Patron Saint

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Is there a Patron Saint for “discernment”?? I want to give a number of high school graduates a medal with this Patron Saint. Most our going off to college…which is where they will really start to question their belief system and faith. If anyone know’s of a better category that fits this dilema - please let me know!!!
I haven’t heard of one. Here are some suggestions:

St. Gianna Molla, a wonderful wife
St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and nun
St. Maria Goretti, virgin who resisted rape
St. Benedict, father of Western monasticism

my Mother my Confidence,
A saint that discerned for some time was St. Augustine. “Late have I loved you, Lord.” Also he said, " Our heart is restless Lord, until is rests in you." His writtings have been a good source of spirituality for a long time.

May God bless these leaders of tomorrow that you are trying to guide.
Deacon tony
St Ignatius Loyola, the master of spiritual guidance in discernment of life choices and decisions.
St Ignatius Loyola, the master of spiritual guidance in discernment of life choices and decisions.
I second this nomination.

Our Mother, Mary and St. Joseph had much to discern raising Jesus.

Luke 1:
34] And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?”
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