Pax Christi

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I met their representative to the U.N. and was not impressed. Besides that I have no exposure or info on the group. The man I met hinted at being for homosexual relationships. NO THANK YOU!
I just went to Pax Christi’s website. They are for all people and justice for all but have nothing about abortion. Check it out for yourself.
My experience with the group on campus is that they are so far for peace that they reject the notion of a just war. Smells fishy to me.
Left-wing activists. I stay away from them. So much in fact, that the local chapter leader goes to a church in my neighborhood. Thus, I drive out to the other side of town to avoid certain elements from there. Not just them, but other things off topic here.
Left-wing activists. I stay away from them. So much in fact, that the local chapter leader goes to a church in my neighborhood. Thus, I drive out to the other side of town to avoid certain elements from there. Not just them, but other things off topic here.
Agreed. Anytime I see them connected with anything, I flee.
They had a chapter at Notre Dame where I went for college and I was not impressed. They mostly focused on the war - but were more pacifistic than grounded in just war principles. They also threw their support behind the gay group that tried unsuccessfully to get official recognition from ND. Overall they seemed more concerned with left-wing politics than anything else - there wasn’t much Christ in the “Christi” - they certainly aren’t a bunch of orthodox Catholics if that’s what you’re wondering.
I think it is a wonderful group. No, they are not so concerned with abortion, but more with the other pro-life causes to remedy the suffering of those who are already born. It promotes social justice issues that the church usually neglects in the US, such as appeals against torture, provide relief services for thsoe living in occupied territories and advocate policies to help the poor by providing them with better access to health care, housing, and education.

A bishop who represents them has a column in the Catholic National Reporter. Right wing conservatives do not like them because yes, they codmemn hate crimes of homosexuals, just as I believe Jesus would do. In regards to supporting, Christ’s gospel, I do not understand how any one is able to reconcile the idea of any war, let alone an illegal one with “turning the other cheak,” and find the organization to best embody the values of Christ; protecting the poor and embracing the disenfranchised with love. Check out their web site and make up your own mind. I only feel comfortable at parishes that are not hostile to Pax Christi’s work, because to me, it reprsents that the pastor is committed to social justice for all of the born, in addition to the unborn.
A bishop who represents them has a column in the Catholic National Reporter…
And this would be the famous Bishop Gumbleton would it not?
I believe that it is only God’s right to Judge people, and that people are called only to help each other on this planet. I can’t recall any where in the gospel that says help only the perfect, or work only with the perfect, because only Jesus was perfect and then none of us would be doing anything for anyone. The organization helps many people.
I believe that it is only God’s right to Judge people, and that people are called only to help each other on this planet. I can’t recall any where in the gospel that says help only the perfect, or work only with the perfect, because only Jesus was perfect and then none of us would be doing anything for anyone. The organization helps many people.
If you mean to judge as a judge does then you are right, but if you mean to distinguish between right and wrong then you are incorrect. Would you agree with me that there are certain objective truths in this world? Or would you say that everything is subjective depending upon circumstance?
…Right wing conservatives do not like them because yes, they codmemn hate crimes of homosexuals, just as I believe Jesus would do…
By this statement are you trying to say that right wing conservatives condone and even promote hate crimes against homosexuals? If so I find that extremely offensive and judgemental.:nope:
I believe that it is only God’s right to Judge people, and that people are called only to help each other on this planet. I can’t recall any where in the gospel that says help only the perfect, or work only with the perfect, because only Jesus was perfect and then none of us would be doing anything for anyone. The organization helps many people.
We may not judge the final disposition of anyone’s soul; we are called upon to exercise judgement every day of our lives and that includes organizations, affiliations and conseqences.
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