Peace by with You?

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    People need to treated individually as persons, in the knowledge that Christ shed all his Precious Blood for each of them.*

Pope John Paul II

True hapiness lies on giving ourselves in love to our brothers and sisters.

Pope John Paul II

I have not even been here for a day and I am sad to say that all I read in most of the forums are bickering and arguements. I thought this was a support group in where we can support and bolsters each others’ relationship with Christ and correct those that want to guided, contructively(sp?). What I see is that people are judging others on what is right or wrong, good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable. I’m really saddened by this and I hope that people won’t post comments that may hurt others, because that is what I see happening. Jesus is a friend to sinners, and that is all of us. As Catholic and as Christians shouldn’t we be more Christ-like? And stop the arguements? I’d like to say, I also found friendly threads too, but are deeply saddened by those others that place judgement and blame instead of enlighten and inspire. Please lets be peaceful with one another. We are all God’s children; we are equal in His eyes. Instead of judging others and their ways lets all just pray for them.
And thanks for your gentle reminder!

Apologetics can tend to become acerbic, but then it becomes counterproductive.
Dear friend

Thank you!!

I have often thought is it right, at the cost of being RIGHT to sin , to fall from being in union with Christ, to fall short of Him who came to give example, to make God known to us and to give us eternal life?

We are all in a growth in Christ Jesus, a growth that never stops, continually developing, some are less in growth and some more in growth than oursleves, this does not give us the right then to argue and offend.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree that no one should be insulting or overbearing or uncharitable in contending for the teachings of Christ and his Church. But, we can’t let people go on thinking they have the right of this teaching or that if they don’t. One of the Seven Works of Spiritual Mercy is to correct those who have a faulty understanding of Church teaching. After all, Jesus came to give us the truth not just love–or what we think is love but is really a form of indifference to the truth. Both truth and love (agape–self giving love) are needed. If I have misunderstood your point, please do correct me. 😉

I’m new to the site as well compared to many. You are right about some of the posts here in the forums. Fortuantly, there are many forums. I have noticed that in the Apologetic’s forums - there seems to be more “rigidness” and less charity than there should be. This is true of junior and senior members. One of the things I think we can do is to be light to others and be charitable. Even we are correcting our brothers and sisters, it should be done in charity and the benefit of the doubt extended to them in every case. There are some however that are members and are not catholic or even christian. I have found that they are here, for the most part, to argue and disrupt the peace. Often they are not here for discussion. This is of course a genralization, but the tone of e-mails, consist over a variety of threads, leads one to that conslusion.

I hope you are not discouraged and will instead become a crudaer for Charity in these forums. If anyone says to another, “you don’t know what you are tlaking about” or anything like that - I hope that people will have the Moral Courage to stand up and say, “Even if you are right, you are dead wrong” Dead wrong in sin that is. We are called to charity and we should be a light to the forums when we can!

May God bless and Keep you - May He give you strength and peace - May He bless your family and friends - and May He be the source fo your Love. Take care and God bless.
I have not even been here for a day
Wow! For one day you are quite the prolific poster! :bowdown:

And I thought I typed a lot.

I suppose with everything that is happening in the world today it is hard to find peace…and it is wonderful to have a place such as this to go to find refuge. In my life I give an hour at our Perpetual Adoration Chapel…I can’t wait for that one hour in a long week. We should all remember to be kinder to ourselves and others…thank you for caring!!
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