Peace Corps?

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I’m a senior biology major who wants to go into medicine, but I don’t feel like I have enough non-academic experiences to go right in after college. I’ve also been sick of studying for a while now (and that aspect only gets worse in medical school), and think I need some time to reinvigorate my brain in between graduation and this whole new stage of student life.

I’ve been tutoring biology and chemistry for well over a year, and really do enjoy it. I mention this because I was looking through a list of Peace Corps positions, and there was one for a secondary education science teacher in Tanzania, which I think might be right up my alley. I do like teaching, and I’ve always wanted to work in underprivileged communities overseas (I’m considering doing Doctors without Borders once I get my MD). I’m 21, and this might be the last chance I get to do something like this before I get tied down by all the components of adult life.

A Peace Corps rep is coming to speak at my school soon, and I do plan to talk to them.

What do you guys think? Are there any Peace Corps veterans here that might have some advice for this know-nothing college student?
I took two years off between college and med school. Unfortunately, the time away from the books made my pre-clinical years harder. That’s a cost you should take into account when making your decision. With three months of training in addition to a two-year assignment, you’ll probably be out of school for three years. Maybe you could use some of the extra time when you get back for self-study, to try to get back up to speed.

Good luck and God bless you, whatever path you take.
Thanks. What did you do, and where did you go when you were in PC?
I just posted because I was away from academia for a couple of years before medical school. I actually did apply for the Peace Corps but wasn’t accepted. You seem like a better fit for the PC; I bet they’ll take you. Not knowing what else to do with myself, I enlisted in the army for two years. I did get to spend a year and a half in Panama, and a month in Honduras, but my contact with the locals was much more limited than what you’ll get in the PC.
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