Here’s a moral question to chew on: you have two friends who are neighbors. They have a dispute and each of them comes to you and tells you their side of the story. Both have short fuses, both blame the other. Neither is innocent. Both are partially right and fully self righteous. You have a choice: wash your hands of it and let the chips fall, which will eventually lead to a fist fight between your rough-and-ready neighbors resulting in at least one of them going to jail, OR try to skillfully state the obvious, which is that each of them has a blind spot in their dealings with each other.
The fundamental question is this: at what point does one go beyond merely reacting and listening and actively try to alter the course of events? At what point does one cross the line between passive friend and active busybody?
The fundamental question is this: at what point does one go beyond merely reacting and listening and actively try to alter the course of events? At what point does one cross the line between passive friend and active busybody?